Chapter 19

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Annabeth POV

I stared at the massive Lake Valor headquarters. It was a beautiful and technological building with blue glass windows and cream-colored walls. 

This was my home, but my home was compromised to traitors and lies. 

My eyes scanned the agents that were walking to the building until they landed on my target. I quickened my pace to make sure that I reached him before the front doors. 

Luke Castellan was my target and my enemy. 

I turned on my fake acting skills and quickly ran towards him before he could reach the building. We were still in the parking lot, which was the perfect timing. 

"Luke, please wait," I said as I clutched his arm. 

He turned around in surprise as a sly smile came onto his face. When Luke smiled, it emphasized the small scar across his cheek. 

"Hello Annabeth," Luke acknowledged brightly. 

His hand enclosed around my own as he greeted me. I immediately felt sick but ignored the physical sensation. I was relatively good at undercover acting, so this was my test. 

"Hey, Luke, I really need a favor. I'm already running late to training this morning, and I left my badge at home. Could you please swipe me in?" I asked frantically and sweetly. 

Luke chuckled softly as his grip tightened. 

Ugh, I really wanted to pull away, but that would deter him from helping me. 

"No problem, Annabeth," Luke said as we continued to walk towards the building. We passed the front doors and walked towards the security check-in. 

Basically, Luke would have to swipe or scan his badge, which would open the steel gates to let Lake Valor staff into the headquarters. 

The whole purpose was to visualize Luke Castellan's ID card. 

"Anyway, Annabeth, I hear that your team had success in getting Atlas to talk," Luke said sternly. "Maybe, you could enlighten me." 

I smiled fakely. I was expecting this conversation. 

"Oh, I really wish that I could tell you, Luke. I really do, but Chiron gave everyone strict order to keep this whole operation discrete," I said firmly. 

I was honestly struggling to keep my sweet and innocent attitude. 

"Of course, I get it," Luke said with fake understanding. He didn't seem to happy with my response, but he couldn't do anything about it. 

I watched carefully as Luke pulled out his badge. He swiped it into the slot, the light turned green, and we pushed through the steel gates. The actions were quick. 

However, I saw what I needed to see. 

"Thanks, Luke, I really need to get to training," I said quickly. 

"Wait, Annabeth, are we still on for dinner tomorrow night?" Luke asked sternly. 

"Yes," I said with a serious tone before turning around. My mind was racing with my next steps as I walked confidently towards training. 

Step 1 of my current plan was a success. 

Luke was the traitor that helped Kronos escape. Step 2 involved manipulating Luke so that I could gather more information on this conspiracy and the Apocalypse. 

I hated that I had to go on a date with Luke Castellan, a monstrous traitor. 

However, this was for the greater good. Hopefully, Percy would understand that and wouldn't get offended or angry at me. 

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