45. Blood Sucking Leeches And Soft Sweet Kisses

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I only managed to take a few steps at a time, as I found my feet again. Feeling dizzy and disorientated for quite some time, has indeed made it hard to walk properly again. We continued to walk in search of the trio, when I suddenly felt dizzy again and felt like I would faint. I gripped tighter onto James's arm, as I stopped dead in my tracks, letting out a short sharp gasp and placed my hand up to my head. "Are you alright?", James asked me, clutching me tighter around the waist, as his worried eyes scanned my face, for any sign that I was fine and that it was a one off dizzy spell. I couldn't speak to him straight away, as suddenly a wave of sickness washed over me, as it had done many times before.

I began to pant heavily, in fear that I may bring up the contents of my stomach upon deck. "Miss Swann?". James asked me again, clutching me even tighter, turning me to face him. "Miss Swann, look at me, look at me". I couldn't contain eye contact with him, as I began to clutch my head, my other hand clutching my stomach, as the sharp pains began stabbing my insides like a knife. "I'm going to take you back to the cabin, your still not well enough to be on your feet, I should have never rushed you to do so". James told me in his soft stern tone. I tried my best to compose myself, as I fell upon the deck, still panting heavily moaning slightly in pain, as the stabbing pain didn't subside. James caught me, his arm firmly wrapped around me, looped underneath my arms, to stop me from falling backwards and hitting my head. "Miss Swann please, you need to get back to the cabin, put your arms around me and I will lift you". James instructed.

I didn't argue, I gladly wrapped my arms around his neck, being careful not to strangle him, as he lifted me up bridal style and held me close to him, as he walked back with me in his arms to the cabin. "Gillette, would you mind opening the door for me and then run and fetch the doctor and Governor Swann". "Yes sir". Gillette obeyed James's order as he opened the door, but before he could run off to fetch both father and the doctor, I shouted out in protest. "No, please don't fetch for father, I don't want him worrying again, please fetch the doctor, by all means but please not father, I couldn't bare it seeing him crying like that again please, I beg of you". I cried out disorientated and mumbled.
"Shhh, tis alright Miss Swann". James tried to calm me down, as he lay me down gently upon the bunk.

"Gillette, fetch for the doctor, but make sure the Governor does not get informed of what is happening". James ordered him, whilst he tried to hold my squirming frame and pin me to the bunk, as I was flinging myself from side to side, in pain. Gillette ran off this time, I just hoped that my father didn't get word of what was wrong. "Shhh tis alright Anne, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere". He soothed stroking my forehead with his hand and going back to un-formalities with me, since we were alone. I finally stopped squirming, as the pain subsided a little, as I fell back down onto the bunk and my head hit the pillow, panting heavily. "T-T-T-T-h-h-ank y-y-y-o-o-u for n-n-n-ot leaving m-m-m-e James", I finally managed to breathe out, as I grabbed his hand tightly within both my hands. "Shhh, I would never leave you, not for a moment". He soothed, as he put his hand up to my cheek and stroke it with his thumb.

"You'll stay with me when the doctor gets here, won't you?". I asked him with pleading eyes, gripping onto his hand even tighter as the pain ravished at my abdomen. "Of course I will Anne, nothing will pull me away". He soothed once again, as he took my hand and kissed the back of it. Suddenly the door bursts open and in comes Gillette followed by the doctor. "You made sure the Governor doesn't know?". James asked Gillette. Gillette shook his head, still out of breath from running around in a hurry, he bent down and placed his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "No Sir, they are all situated within the other cabin at the other end of the ship, he doesn't know anything, none of them do". He breathed out heavily. "Very well, thank you Gillette, now I would like you to stand guard outside that door and do not let anyone enter under any circumstances, is that clear". James asked. "Yes Sir, right away Sir". Gillette replied.

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