32. Playing Dress Up And Another Head Injury To Add To The Collection

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We got to the shore and stepped upon the sand, there was a huge cave in front of us, we all peered into its entrance, it was like a black abyss, nothing to be seen within it and if we were to walk in it, it seemed as though it would swallow us whole and we would never come back out again, as though we were going to be walking into the depths of hell. We stared at it for quite sometime, before we heard a commotion behind us, we all turned sharply to see Barbossa and his crew running towards us, with Elizabeth, who was tied up and being pulled along by one of the crew.

We all ran behind some of the rocks, before we were spotted by them. I was going to run out at them, when I saw that they had Elizabeth with them, but Jack put his hand firmly upon my shoulder and gripped it tight and pulled me back down, whilst shaking his head. "All in good time love, all in good time". He whispered in my ear. I glared at him, my eyebrows knitted together in an angered expression, before I turned away from him sharply and yanked my shoulder from his grip.

We waited until every last one of Barbossa's crew had entered the cave, before we slowly followed suit, we ventured further into the cave, until we came across a small river and a row boat with a light at the end of it held on by a pole and a hook. We all looked at Jack as he looked at us, he then proceeded to climb into the boat. Myself, Will and Thomas looked at each other, before we decided to follow Jack and get into the boat too. Thomas lit the light that was dangling by the pole, to help us find our way.

Myself, Thomas and Will gasped in shock, when the light lit up the cave, as there was an abundance of treasure pilled high and it was sparkling from every angle, the light was making it bounce from every wall within the cave and the jewels were twinkling, like stars in the night sky. It was full of all sorts of treasures and coins and not to mention a few dead skeletons. All of us sat in silence, continuing to look at the glistening sight infront of us, my eyes were scanning the cave with awe, they were darting all over the place, not knowing where to look. I had never seen so much jewels and treasure, I mean I have come across my mothers jewelry from time to time in her jewerly box and I have seen some of the rubys, emeralds and diamonds, that were within her necklaces, but never have I ever, seen as much as this, I thought to myself.

I looked over to see a dead skeleton laying upon a rock, like the one I had seen before, it's arm outstretched, it's mouth wide open as though it was screaming for help and no one could hear it, it's clothes mattered and torn clinging to itself and it had a great big rusty sword, sticking out of its back. I gasped in shock and buried my head into Thomas's shoulder, my how they are such a horrible sight to see, I thought to myself.

"What code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?". Will asked out loud breaking the silence between us all. "Pirates code, any man who falls behind is left behind". Jack said whilst rowing the boat. Thomas gasped as he started to pant heavily. "I have changed my mind, I don't want to do this after all, I was never cut out to be a pirate and I never will be". He panted out, through gasps of breath. "My thoughts exactly mate". Jack said sarcastically to him.

"Please turn this boat around and take me back to shore, so that I may find a floating vessel, that can transfer me home". Thomas continued, ignoring Jacks comment. Jack ignored him and continued to row the boat, I could sense that he must be smirking to himself, about Thomas's childish behaviour, as he had his back to us, to row the boat and therefore it gave him the opportunity, for know one to seem him do a cruel act, but I chose to not confront him about it and continued to sooth dear Thomas by rubbing circles on his back with my hand.

"No heroes amongst thieves eh?". Will asked rhetorically. "You know for having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you're well on your way to becoming one". Jack told him "You too Missy and your whimpy little friend". He said, whilst nodding backwards towards us, in our direction. I didn't have time to respond, before Jack continued to speak again. "Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga and your completely obsessed with treasure". Jack told Will. Will was looking at the treasure, that was down below within the bottom of the water, a mixture of gold coins, golden handle swords and funny looking statues that must be worth a lot, i thought to myself.

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