Part 20. Breakfast And Another Secret Talent

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I awoke first to the sun beaming in through the gaps within the roof and shining into my eyes, the sound of the cockerel crowing to the early morning Caribbean sunrise. I looked around the room taking in my surroundings, unsure as to where I was at first, until I suddenly realised I was in the Black Smith's shop. I looked over to my right to see Thomas who was, still fast asleep and snoring with his arms crossed, his legs outstretched one on top of the other and his head tilted to his right side.

I didn't want to wake him, so I slowly got up from the ground and brushed myself down and got rid of all the hay, which was stuck to my clothes, I lost my balance slightly as I did this, as within the spur of the moment I had forgotten all about my head injury and I must have stood up too quickly. I placed my hand up to my head, wincing at the pain that my wound was causing. I rubbed it gently trying to sooth the pain, whilst I walked over towards the donkey, who was already awake and eating some of the hay, that was lying on the ground.

Looking at the donkey eating, made me realise how hungry I was, as I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning at The Commodore's promotion ceremony. I rubbed my stomach to try and stop the harmonious gurgling noises that it was producing. I gave the donkey a stroke, before I walked over to a barrel and sat upon it. I was unsure as to whether or not I should go outside, to see if last night's events had all blown over, but I was afraid incase something may happen, so I stayed put instead.

I looked over to Thomas who had just started stirring as though he was waking up. He slowly opened his eyes and looked straight at me."What time is it?". He asked in a sleepy low tone, whilst rubbing his eyes, giving a great big yawn and stretching his arms out wide. "I haven't the foggiest, but it must be dawn, as the cockerel has just crowed about a minute ago", I told him. He stood up and brushed of the remains of the hay from his clothes, like I did just before.

He then walked over to lean on the work bench yawning once again, he turned his attention towards the donkey who was still happily eating at the hay. "Looks like someone is enjoying their breakfast". He nodded towards the donkey, whilst looking at me, I laughed in response. "Speaking of breakfast." Thomas said whilst walking over to a cupboard, that was situated beside the furnace, he opened it and pulled out a few slices of bread and pulled out two cups to make some tea for us.

He turned to look at me whilst he was stirring the tea. "How many sugars for the lady?". He asked me with a cheeky smile upon his face. "Or are you sweet enough, which I'm pretty sure is the correct answer", he continued. I chuckled at his comment, "Two please, if you wouldn't mind, I have a very sweet tooth, if you couldn't tell". I mirrored his cheeky smile back to him. "Anne Swann!, two sugars is outrageous!, it will rot your teeth". He said to me with a high pitched voice, as though he was mimicking a high class lady. I laughed once again at his response. He then turned his attention back to the tea and prepared mine with the two sugar cubes that I had asked him for.

He had finished stirring the tea and gave two taps on the cup with the teaspoon, before he turned and handed the cup to me. "Thank you my good sir". I said whilst taking the cup from him. He then turned back towards the bench and grabbed the plate of bread and offered me a slice."Here, have one, I know it's not the most practical breakfast or the fancy french bread that you would be used too, but this is even better as I made it myself, right here in this very room on that very furnace to be precise". He stood looking proud with his hands behind his back and rocking back and forth on his heels. "And may I also say, that you must try this sweet yet tangy marmalade with it, that I also made myself".

"Well, well, well, Mr Turner, you really are a man of many talents aren't you, first a Black Smith, then a doctor and now a baker, I'm sure which ever girl you marry would be lucky to have you, with the many skills that you possess". I told him before taking a bite out of the bread, and I have to say, it was the best bread that I had tasted in a long time, french bread is fine I suppose, but Thomas's home made bread was so much better, it was warm and fluffy and not at all doughy, and the marmalade was scrumptious, it wasn't too tangy like any other marmalade I had tasted, it was like eating a glazed fruit sweet except with bread.

"This is excellent Thomas, you do have real talent for a lot of things". I said to him, whilst swallowing the last bite of the bread. "Why thank you, it is afterall what I was born to do, leave people questioning as to what it is I can do, with the many talents I posses as you say". He laughed before taking a bite out of his bread. I took a sip of the sweet delicious tea that helped me to quench my thirst, as I also didn't have anything to drink since the ceremony either.

"We should probably face the music quite soon". I said to Thomas, whilst placing my cup on the bench beside him. "My father is probably going out of his mind with worry as to where I am and if he has found out about Elizabeth well, that will have well and truly tipped if over the edge of paranoia and goodness knows what the poor Comodore is having go through, having to look for two women in the fear they have been kidnapped or killed and on top of that having to reassure the whole town, that something like this will never happen again".

"Your probably right, we should make haste". Thomas said to me before he took another sip of his tea and placed it behind him on the bench. "After you?". He said to me whilst gesturing his hand towards the door. I didn't say anything except nod in response. I bid farewell to the donkey whilst Thomas was un-barracading us from the shop, he opened the door and let me step outside first, I walked over towards him and exited the shop with him following close behind.

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