Part 15

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Taehyung’s POV

"In my defense, the fire suddenly showed itself without me doing anything. I'm just trying the tester they're giving out," Namjoon defended himself as he munched the food in his mouth, talking about the earlier incident in the grocery store.

"Okay, Mr. Kim. I understand," Y/N laughed as she teased Namjoon, already finished eating and was currently cutting up some fruits for the whole group.

I poked the grape with my fork and ate it up without diverting my eyes from the lady, not even hiding my feelings towards Y/N.

Seokjin and Namjoon knew it all too well from my stories.

They're the one who gave me an earful for doing the contract in the first place once they knew the story, and told me to correct my acts if I didn't want to lose Y/N forever.

"She's a very nice lady," Seokjin took a seat by my side as he stole a grape from my plate and ate it up himself.

"I know. Tannie likes her more than he likes me," I glanced to the puppy that was still tailing Y/N in every move she made, while the girl smiled and complimented the boy in everything he did.

"Tannie's a better character judge than you by hundredfold," Seokjin sassed, making me pout as I rested my cheek on my palm, taking another bite of grape.

"I know. Tannie shows his love to her very openly, and I was about to do so as well but you guys just had to ring the bell right at the exact time," I complained, remembering the time the couple first came.

"No wonder she's red when I first came in. We didn't mean to cockblock, sorry," Seokjin patted my back with a grin on his face, also stuffing his mouth with grapes.

"Nah, it's good that you guys came. I almost lost control of myself," telling the truth, I sighed as my eyes followed every Y/N’s movements in the kitchen.

It's good that Namjoon and Seokjin came.

At least I didn't always have thoughts of pouncing on her everytime my eyes laid on her.

"If you did right in the first place, you wouldn't need to have self control. You can just attack her," the husband of my brother commented, and I raised one of my eyebrows at the male for rubbing the wound in my heart mercilessly.

"I know I did wrong, okay? That's why I'm trying to do everything slowly. But she's just so cute and irresistible when she got all shy, that's why I got a little impatient," plopping my head on the table, I was alarmed immediately when I heard Y/N hissed as Yeontan barked at Namjoon nonstop.

"What happened?" both Seokjin and I went to them and I saw Y/N putting her bleeding finger under the running water.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know how it happened" Namjoon looked so sorry that he stood there watching intensely at Y/N but was too afraid to make any movement, and I picked up Yeontan in one hand to stop the boy from barking any more.

"It's okay, Mr. Kim. Accidents happen," Y/N smiled as she held in the pain from the wound, and I just watched with a frown on my forehead.

"Is it bad?" Seokjin asked, placing the knife away from all of us and went to get a look at the girl's finger, inspecting it.

"Nah, just a small one. It'll heal in a few days," Y/N spoke calmly with a smile stayed on her face, but I couldn't seem to copy her action.

"Come here, let's put ointments on it" taking her hand softly and pulling her to walk with me, Y/N followed me even though she looked hesitant.

Yeontan kept quite in my hand as we entered my bedroom, and I placed him down when I was sure he won't bark anymore.

"I'm okay, there's no need for ointments" she stood still in the middle of my room while I searched for first aid kit in the bathroom, but I ignored her and brought her to sit on my bed anyways.

"I'm not okay," looking intently at her injury, I sighed in relieve when the cut wasn't that deep.

"I told you it's not deep," she told and tried to pull her hand away before I could put ointment, and I glared at her making Y/N halted her movement immediately.

She kept quite until I finished tending to her wound and we walked back to the living room where Namjoon and Seokjin were waiting.

"Mr. Kim, since you've injured my hand, can I take a leave tomorrow?" she suddenly asked, making Namjoon jumped out from his seat looking all panicked, and I was alarmed as well.

"Why? Does it hurt so bad? Do you want me to send you to the hospital?" he bombarded her with worried questions, and it wasn't long before Y/N laughed at the frantic behavior of my brother.

"Pft, no. I'm just kidding. Tomorrow's my parent's death anniversary, I just want to pay them a visit," she smiled as she told her reason, and all of us went quiet before Namjoon quickly gave her his permission.

Is it okay if I ask to come with her?

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