Part 9 - The Feelings

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This is I, your lovely author.

I hope I'm lovely.

No, let me rephrase.

I am lovely.

Because Jimin said so.

And mybiasisjimin.

Got it?

(since my bias said I'm lovely, then of course, I'm lovely. Got it?)

Okay, back to the topic.

I was having confusion about the feelings of these two characters while writing this story up to last chapter.

Thus I tried writing a summary down and surprisingly, this helps me understand my own story better. *laughs in stupid*

Yeah, I'm dumb like that.

So I hope this will help you too, to understand both Y/N and Taehyung in this story before proceeding further.

Alright, leggo!

* * *

Y/N liked Taehyung even before the contract happened.

But when Taehyung offered to sign that contract to her, she felt that Taehyung saw her as nothing other than a mere object to play around.

She felt hurt.

She felt unimportant.

Y/N felt used.

Thus when she was with Taehyung, even when they're 'together', she didn't feel happy.

She felt unappreciated.

But she couldn't deny that she seeked for Taehyung's touch, because the heart and body sometimes acted on their own even when the mind said no.

They wanted what they wanted.

Even how much she tried to stop herself, her heart and body were just honest like that.

And Taehyung realized that.

Y/N's body was so honest that he knew that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

So, that's why Taehyung was confused when Y/N pushed him away bluntly and halted any of his moves on her after their contract ended.

For Taehyung, when he ended the contract, he wanted Y/N to know that he was going to be serious with her, and not be together with her just because of the contract.

But for Y/N, Taehyung ending the contract made her think that Taehyung didn't want her anymore.

That he had no use of her anymore.

They were totally off with each of their own opinions.

No communication, that's why.

So they kept the misunderstanding going on, and unless they sit down and talked about this, they won't clear up anything.

* * *

That is all from me for now, folks.

And I'm going to make the two talk soon, don't worry about it.


Your lovely author.

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