Part 3

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It's been a week.

And now I was currently cutting the apple into pieces to eat them as my snacking food.

It's weekend, and it felt foreign to be spending this time alone at home.

My home.

My home that had been left empty for more than a year after I signed the contract.

And to be spending my first weekend alone, it felt foreign.

I thought I'd be happy, but I didn't feel anything.

It felt empty.

What was it that I wanted exactly?

When he was with me, I wished he was gone.

But now that he wasn't with me, I wished he was here?

Maybe it's just a matter of time.

I was used to having him by my side, so maybe I'd need time to get used to not having him.

That's it.

I'll get used to it.

Putting the cut apples into a small plate, I brought it to the coffee table, where I placed my tablet that displayed a paused movie at the moment.

At the end of the movie, I realized that I haven't done this week's laundry and went to the laundry room after washing the empty plate.

Sheesh, I didn't even have detergents to use.

Sighing and making my way to the bedroom, I put on a bomber jacket over my thin clothes without bothering to change, and went out the house not forgetting my keys, phone, and purse.

Hearing the door being locked as I wore my shoes properly, I shivered a little when the wind brushed through me, hitting my exposed legs mercilessly.

Quickly running to my car at the porch, I plopped down in the driver seat and turned on the heater immediately after starting the engine.

To the mart we go.

Living in the middle of the city left me not much choice to buy groceries from, thus when the closest mart to the house was already closed down, I had no choice left but to stop at the big ass mall next to it.

With shorts and bomber jacket, together with only sandals, I was under dressed indeed, but who cares?

Walking through the entrance and going straight to the groceries section, I started looking for laundry detergent instantly, not planning to look for other things at the moment.

My gosh.

What's he doing here?

My steps were halted emergencily when the very familiar frame of a male was in my sight, and my heart thumped fast as he turned to look at my direction.

"M-Mr. Kim, good morning,"

"Morning," he greeted back, and after his eyes stayed on me for a tad bit too long, they were quickly diverted to the the row of detergents that were presented in front of him.

He seemed flustered?


Plus, he never gave me permission to do his laundry before, so I thought that he sent every piece of his expensive clothing for dry cleaning.

But he was choosing laundry detergent now, so maybe he just wanted to try doing laundry himself as one of the new things to do in life?

Focusing back to the male, his frown was making it obvious that he didn't know which one to choose, and I decided to give my opinion.

"If you're looking for laundry detergent for your shirts, this is a good brand," pointing at the famous brand to show it to the male as I tried to act as calm as possible, he nodded after giving the said item a look before turning to look at me again.

"Which brand do you usually use?" he asked, and without much thought, I ran my eyes through the whole row to find the one.

Upon finding it, I quickly went to get the brand I used to buy and took one bottle of it.

But what I didn't expect was the male to tail behind me and took one of it himself.


"Mr. Kim, I don't think your shirts should be washed with th-"

"I buy what I want," he cut off in the middle of my sentence and I felt like I was thrown with a bucket of water that made me wake up from my dream.

That's right, Y/N.

Who are you to tell him what to buy and what not?

You're a nobody to him now.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry," quickly apologizing and bowing a little to the male, I lifted my head and flashed him a polite smile.

A smile that felt forced.

Why are you hurt, Y/N?

"No, that's not -" he tried to explain himself for cutting off my sentence and I just smiled wider with a shook of my head.

He didn't have to explain.

There's nothing between us.

There never was.

"I'll get going now. Have a good weekend, Mr. Kim" bowing to him once again, I quickly took large steps away from the male, wanting to scold myself so bad for feeling butterflies in my stomach the moment I saw his face.

Wake up, Y/N.

You're nothing to him other than someone whom he signed a contract with.

And he had ended it.

Thus, there's nothing left between you and him, Y/N.


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