05 | imagination

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a lot of people who first get into manifesting do it to gain something in the 3d. while yes, this is where you want to end up, it's not really where your main focus should be.

(the 3d is the world you see through your eyes)

the 3d is past thoughts. it's an old story. so focusing on what is happening in the 3d is only going to delay your manifestation(s).

your imagination, what you think and picture, is the only thing you should be focusing on. you cannot get something in the 3d without first gaining it in your imagination. your imagination is more real than anything else, especially your 3d. your imagination creates your 3d.

your 3d is literally just a projection of everything inside of you. everything inside of your mind. you can't change the 3d without first changing you. your thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, your imagination!

if you're trying to manifest something yet you keep looking to the 3d for movement, you're coming from a place of lack. and trust me, you're not going to manifest much from there. you should be living your life as if you already have it. living, breathing, sleeping, driving, etc etc should all be done in a state of already having your desire. because you already do. it's already yours.

how would you think and feel if you already had your desire?

you're not trying to manifest anything, you already successfully did it! you are a success story now. the more you live in this reality, the more you stay in this state, the quicker it is going to show up in your 3d.

your imagination creates your 3d

stop looking to the 3d for confirmation that it is working. stop looking to the 3d for movement or results. that's noticing lack. it's already here, what are you looking for?

if you continue to look to the 3d for confirmation, you're telling yourself, "it's not here yet". so your subconscious will take that and work with it. 'well they said it's not here yet, so that's what i'm going to give them.'

stop delaying your manifestation !

the only place to look for results and confirmation is within. there is nowhere else to look. the results are within. it's here. it is done. so do your part, that way your subconscious can do it's part and bring you your manifestation into the 3d. trust in the process, it's going to show up! it has no choice.

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