16 | sp // specific person

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finally,, the chapter on manifesting specific people! i've been waiting to get this one out. nothing makes me happier than telling people that they can have anybody that they want. i love the idea of helping people manifest anything but when it comes to an sp i get even more excited. i want everyone to have their person and be happy. being miserable without them is a terrible feeling as i have been there myself. but that is an old story and we have to throw away our old stories before moving on, correct?

in the early stages, i did a lot wrong. i was "heartbroken" (which i want to talk more about in another chapter) and desperate to get anything to work. anything to get me my sp back. and i really do not want you guys to do what i had done because all it did was delay my manifestation. i delayed it and delayed it and delayed it.

what delayed my manifestation was the desperation, constant reacting, and constantly looking at the 3d.  these are three no's when it comes to manifesting really for every aspect of your life; especially an sp. but i think the biggest delay for me was not putting in the work. i knew what needed to be done but instead of properly doing the work, i kept searching for more information. i wanted to see what everyone was saying and if i was going about it right. and when i did finally start to apply the work needed, i only did it for about a few days tops before slacking off. before worrying about if i was doing it right or this or that or whatever.

for the majority of my journey i did a lot of watching videos, reading reddit, reading everything that had to do with getting a person back. this in itself is implying lack. i did finally reach a point in my journey where i stopped obsessing so much. and eventually i stopped searching and searching. i stopped caring about what this person did or didn't do. i stopped caring about every little detail. i reached a point where i was like, you know what, if i'm going to get my person back then i need to do it right. i used to ask myself, "do you want it bad enough? because if you do, you'll do the work and stick with it" i had people telling me to just do it. and i knew they were right. i was the only one getting in my way.

i found this amazing blog, I AM love blog, that i think really just made everything FINALLY click for me and gave me the little nudge that i needed on the right path. i no longer questioned and questioned because i already knew that my sp was mine. and that was that.

did i waver here and there? yes i did, but that was normal and i didn't see it as something that was going to affect me or my manifestation. because i knew that my sp was already mine and that i was God. how could anything mess anything up for me if i don't allow it to?

in the early stages of manifesting an sp, you are probably going to feel desperate. but i need you to do your best to not let it take over and control you. what are you so desperate for when your sp is already yours?

((yes i did manifest my sp back))

remember, as i already mentioned, nobody is truly ever separate from you. nobody and nothing as it is impossible. so look within whenever you feel desperate. whenever you feel needy and you're missing your person. and remember that they are there, with you, right now. they never left your side and they never will. feel their presence. feel their love. hear them telling you how much they adore and love you. really feel the love. because they do love you. they never stopped loving you.

remember, as i also already mentioned, that they are just you pushed out. they do not have free will. they are operating under your assumptions and can only do what you allow them to do. they are just you. not accepting that they love you is only hurting you because they are you. and why would you want to hurt yourself in this way?

take full responsibility for the old story and circumstances that have arisen because only you have created them. nothing outside of you has the ability to create anything. your sp did not hurt you intentionally. they only did as you told them to. they don't want to hurt you, but they had no choice. stop assuming negative things so they don't have to deal with the pain of hurting you, because they don't want to hurt you. they love you.

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