New Kid

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(Yall I suck at editing but I tried 💀😭)

I woke up earlier than usual today, no one seemed to be up at the moment. Deciding to get an early start to the day I got in the shower and after got dressed. By the time I was done, everyone was starting to wake up. I sat in the kitchen as mom began to make breakfast.

"So you excited Sorey? Today is your first day of the academy, I made sure to make your favorite for lunch today. It's in the refrigerator, go ahead and grab it while I put the food on your plate." 

I got up from my seat and went into the kitchen, grabbing my lunch as well as Sakura's. When I got to the table Sakura was sitting at the table eating breakfast. I sat down next to her and gave her, her lunch and began to eat as well. Once we were done eating, we walked to school together.

It was a little awkward to say the least. "Hey Sakura, today's the first day of school..and since it's my first time going to school. Do you think I could stick with you? Maybe you could introduce me to your friends?" I asked, though I was a little doubtful she would say yes. She barely spends time with me as it is.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess, if you really need me to then I'll help." Shortly we arrived at the academy, as Sakura was leading the way to the classroom she left. Yep. She left me, alone, apparently this crush of hers was more important than helping her sister, whatever. I can find the class on my own.

It wasn't until a teacher noticed that I was lost. "Are you lost? I can help find your class, do you know what class you're supposed to be in?" His voice was very kind, I could tell he meant no harm and I could trust him.

"Um..I'm new here, I'm Sorey Haruno, I'm supposed to be in the same class as my sister, Sakura Haruno."

The teacher patted my head. "Well then, I'm glad to tell you that I am your teacher. You may call me Iruka Sensei. Come, follow me. I'll lead you to class, it starts soon." He began to lead the way to the classroom. "So because you are new, I'm going to have you introduce yourself. Usually kids started the academy last year, but it seems the hokage made an exception for you." He stopped in front of a door sliding it open.

"Alright everyone quiet down." He walked inside of the classroom standing at the front of the class. While I was still standing at the door. It was as if all confidence was drained from me and replaced with nervousness. A loud slam broke me from my small panic. "I said quiet down! Yes, yes I know you're all glad to be back at school after a short break, but I have an announcement to make."

"We have a new student joining us now." He quickly came to me and walked me over to the classroom standing next to him. "Alright Introduce yourself." He said, giving me a tap on the shoulder.

I stood straighter in my spot and began to introduce myself. "Hi, my name is Sorey Haruno, it's nice to meet you all." Many gasps were heard throughout the room, some whispering to each other.

"I didn't know Sakura had a sister. Why do you think she never talked about her?"

The whisperings were soon stopped by Iruka. "Alright, I'll allow some of you to ask questions." A few students began to raise their hands, Iruka began to pick for me. "Alright, Ino."

"So I was wondering, how come you didn't start at the academy at the same time as us?" The girl who I now know to be Ino, asked.

"Oh well, for personal reasons."

"Well, I think that's all for now, if you have any questions you can ask her later. Go ahead and sit down Sorey."

I had noticed Naruto was in the class as well, to my relief, but that idiot was sleeping. Luckily there was an empty seat next to him as well. I walked up next to Naruto poking his side.

SightlessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora