Chapter 21 (Im here)

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*[Y/N] POV*

Akali: What do you mean he's back??....who's back???..

Jason: Dammit....I'll go warn the others....and talk to them if anything suspicious has happened in piltover....

Kai'sa: Whats going on???.....what's happening

Seraphine: Yea whats happening??

[Y/N] turns out...........someone from our past has came back.....

Evelynn: And who might that be


Akali: What do you mean he's dead you guys killed him yea and his official death happened the internet even talks about it

[Y/N]: Yea he's dead but..........he came back........I don't know how but I swore me and Jason and the others killed him....and I'm going to tell you how we did it.....

*Flashback 5 years ago.....somewhere in noxus*

[Y/N]: So....whats the plan?

Pyke: Your fully into this huh

[Y/N]: I mean we just murdered a group of people meant to execute me

Talon: *sigh*....the plan is to get over those walls but there's just a problem

[Y/N]: And who's that problem I can take care of it

Varus: *sigh*'s Swain that's blocking us

Pyke: Ah shit Swain is going to the other group to fulfill this plan....Jason hurry though we don't have much time....we only have 1 shot at this for freedom

With that pyke left but he managed to sneak around Swain....luckily....

Swain: [Y/N]....jason....varus....all of you come out now.....I promise I'll make your deaths less painful then it should be

Katerina: Dammit......He's blocking our way with his small army of noxian soldiers

[Y/N]: So......there just soldiers and plus they aren't really skilled

Jason: No but this time it's different....and more difficult

With that Jason left with pyke to join the other group

[Y/N]: How so?....what did he mean?...

Talon: These guys.....they are from a elite secret order that were meant to replace us later on once we figured out that we were brainwashed

Katerina: Long story short these guys are no joke

[Y/N]: How "elite" are these guys

Varus: There elite to rival us..I've seen there's similar to mine

[Y/N]: How so?

Varus: They have what's called darkin powers but that power lasts for about a few minutes.....I heard that it's still in development just that right now it's in beta so it's not all that powerful......yet

[Y/N]: So how can they rival us since it's in beta

Katerina: Well they can rival zed surprisingly and some of us but you [Y/N].....they can't rival you.....however that doesn't mean that  one day they will make a stronger version that will rival you

[EPIC it was just a prediction]

[Y/N]: So let's just take these guys out then

Talon: It won't be simple.....they can detect me and Katerina and zed easily

[Y/N]: Really.........I can't believe Swain would replace us like this

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