Chapter 9 (Who?)

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*[Y/N] POV*

I gotta say Evelynn drives a little dangerous....not like Jason but I kinda like it

Evelynn: We are here

We are parked outside of a huge mall huh well I've always avoided many many many people with....

Blood on there hands.....

*Car door shut noises*


Evelynn: Come on this will only take a few

I followed behind her surprisingly this mall is big and has alot of things you would wish for but she guides me to a elevator to which has 2 special floors

[Y/N]: Oh boy 2 special floors don't tell me

Evelynn: Yup

She had the Keycard to the special floors of the mall.....and as soon as she swiped and pressed the button we went up and when the elevator god....I've never seen how much of a waste this fricken mall is

[Y/N]: Wow.......what a expensive place surely must have taken at least the whole budget of this nation to build this crap

Everything was either gold or diamonds....even the water what the hell

Evelynn: Yup I shop here because it has the highest qualities

????: Mistress Evelynn would you need some assistance

Oh great servants.....well that's understandable you have to get paid somehow

Evelynn: No I have my Bodyguard to do my work for me

Great....being treated like a tool....and I don't like that

[Y/N]: Ughh just hire one of them look that guy's tough

I pointed at a servant that was more taller and bigger then me

Evelynn: Hmph and I thought the hero of piltover was patient

[Y/N]: Hmph your lucky that I was hired by you so but I aint Carrying your bags..

Evelynn: *sighh* fine you servant come

[Y/N]: Hey rookie first time

Servant: No I've served others just that serving miss Evelynn is a honor

[Y/N]: Well don't let it go to your head

Evelynn: let's go

We walked to a clothing shop called......Le blancs and syndras clothing shop??? What??

????: Oh Evelynn darling so good to see you

Evelynn: Hey Le blanc

????: Ah and who is this person I see here with you

[Y/N]: Oh me....Oh I'm just the class clown here

????: *laughter* My my sarcastic are we

Evelynn: *sigh* Syndra and Le balanc this is our Bodyguard [Y/N]

[Y/N]: HI and now don't talk to me because I feel like exploring anyways Evelynn message me when you need something because If I'm not mistaken.......there's a ice cream shop here......CYA!


*Evelynn POV*

With that he just disappeared in the blink of an eye.....I swear....he's really obsessive with ice cream huh

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