Chapter 1 (How??)

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[Y/N]: You have to be faster then that zed

Zed: *cough* *cough* you may have won this round but next time won't be so easy

[Y/N]: Keep telling yourself that kiddo

I Beat zed pretty easy and fast....I gotta say having this much power is frightening in the wrong hands......especially HIS hands....the one who put us in that program.....thankfully he's dead and a new one rised to take his that new one wants us back to which will never happen because we are hiding very well......lets hope he doesn't find us because if he does.....well......lets just say the walls might have a new color

Zed: You know I always wondered how you were this powerful

Darius: be careful what you say zed he might not take it too kindly

Zed: True but I am curious

????: Well make sure that curiosity doesn't get you killed old man

Oh he is his "best" student......named Kayn of course he was apart of the program just that he's been.....infected and that stayed with him for a while

Kayn: Whatsup demon been a while

[Y/N]: Please we just talked yesterday jackass

Kayn: I know I was kidding you lil bitch

[Y/N]: Hmph tell that to your boyfriend rhasst

Yup he was infected with a darkin named rhasst pretty interesting how they both talk when there alone....and to a scythe

Kayn: I'm sure he would have loved to kill you

[Y/N]: Then get in line

Kayn: Hmph but I know rhasst wouldn't kill you since supposedly your his brother

[Y/N]: This again really

Kayn: Yup I don't know why but even he fears you a little even though darkin power is much more powerful than any other powers

[Y/N]: Well don't let that get to your head if you want to keep that body of yours

Kayn: The day rhasst fully infects me is the day I have to stop you

He's right......ever since that incident that happened 3 years god......even I fear myself sometimes

[Y/N]: That's probably never gonna least I hope so

Kayn: I don't know man it could..... maybe

Zed: Don't worry I've been training him to be calm besides we are all a team

Darius: and we stick together as one whenever there's a problem we got each others backs

[Y/N]: glad the agreement is still in place

Ever since we escaped we found a place to call home....well I moved out since it was getting cramped but these guys have a home In this dark warehouse where it's isolated from other places......people think this is abandoned or that it's haunted because either kayn or zed or pyke scares them off....

Zed: Speaking of which shouldn't you be going mister "silent shadow"

[Y/N]: You that's only at night time right not right now

Kayn: Well its the afternoon so and go talk to your boyfriend Jason haha

[Y/N]: Touche kayn touche alright alright I'm out see you guys tomorrow again

With that I leave......yup welcome to my daily at people......spar with these guys to help me get stronger.....and then video game time with jason......or maybe sometimes alcohol shots......

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