Chapter 7

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     Lunchtime had finally arrived for everyone at L.H.P Highschool. Students finally got to settle down and envision their fast approaching weekend and fun it could bring. Sydney had no plans, but she was okay with that. She valued time by herself immensely, but today was different. She invited someone she had only known for one day to have lunch with her and her best friend.

     I should definitely make a few friends before this year ends. I bet Keisha will have a few words to say about Derek.

     Just as he was in her thoughts, he also appeared into view from the crowd of students heading towards the cafeteria entrance. He was holding a brown paper bag, the infamous sack lunch. He made his way to her table and sat across from her.

     "Hey Sydney. What's up?" He said as he opened his bag.

     "Nothing much. Just enjoying the day so far. What's in the bag?"

     "Oh, just a ham sandwich and a banana. Basic stuff. By the way, where's your food?"

     "I don't get too hungry around this time everyday so I just bring a couple snacks with me. To school." Sydney's hands had retreated inside her tan sweater almost unconsciously. This was one of her nervous reflexes at work, but she was wondering why she felt that way. She had no time to do that, of course, because the conversation was still going. "Is your friend doing alright without you with him?"

     "Yeah, he's fine. And speaking of friends, is yours on her way?"

     "She should be here soon."

     A few minutes had passed by. Derek asked her how she liked her new school, if she had cool teachers, the usual. But there was one question that stood out to her.

     "So why did you end up switching schools?"

     Sydney knew this question would come up, but she couldn't prepare herself. She wasn't the lying type. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry for much longer.

     "Hey guys!" Keisha yelled as she power-walked towards their table. She jumped down on the seat next to Sydney with a blinding smile on her face. Derek was taken aback by her raw energy.

     "What's up, Keisha?" Sydney said. "By the way, this is Derek. We have first period English."

      Before Derek could raise his right hand for a handshake, Keisha instantly raised hers. Surprising only him, she made a fist for him to bump.

     "Come on now. We aren't business people."

     Derek had no choice but to perform the sacred fist bump. Wow. This is something.

     Sydney was glad to see Keisha, as her presence gives her a chance to act normal. For the rest of the lunch period, Keisha would take control of the conversation. She explained how she and Sydney met in middle school. As the period ended, Derek waved goodbye and went on towards his next class. He sighed heavily and out loud. It was finally over. They had no talks about doing it again, but he'd do it if he had to. He'd do anything to better his chances of getting with Sydney. But the day was not over, for after-school activities begged for his attention. 


     "So what did you talk to Sandra about?" Derek's father asked as he plopped onto the living room couch and grabbed the television remote. In response, his wife he now sat next to, closed her laptop shut and sighed.

     "I told her to try to break out of her shell. She's been focusing so much on school that she doesn't even have a social life. I just don't want her to regret not having fun in her highschool days later in life"

     "Yeah, you're right. I was beginning to worry myself. But this isn't something she can learn overnight. It'll take time." He slid over to her and wrapped his right arm around her. She leaned her head on him for comfort. "You think you can handle those two while I'm gone? I'll be back on Monday."

     "Sure. I'll try to get her out of the house this weekend." Maya said as she yawned. "I think I'll take a nap before I prepare dinner." She got up from the couch and walked to the bedroom, leaving Louis by himself. He muted the television and stared off into space for a few minutes. When he came to, he looked around and realized he was still by himself.

Is this what she feels every day? 

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