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      Wednesday night was already coming to a close, but Sydney was in no rush to put down her book. Most of her free time was spent reading in her room. There was nothing more satisfying than getting lost in another world and watching a story unfold before her very eyes. She was so engaged that she didn't even hear her father open the door to her room. He let out a soft sigh through his nostrils. I swear she spends more time reading than doing her schoolwork. He flicked the light switch up and down to get her attention.

     "You should probably put down the book and get some sleep. School starts at 8 tomorrow. I'll be dropping you off near the entrance. Got it?" Donald tried not to sound too demanding, but he couldn't help it. He could never shake the intimidating vibe that others felt when around him. Sydney was used to it by now, so she let out her usual response to his commands.

     "Yes, sir!" She took the fingers on her right hand off her book and gave a crisp salute. That always annoyed him to his core. Even his wife, Jennifer, busted his chops with similar responses. "By the way, mom said you would make breakfast. Try not to burn the pancakes this time, yeah?"

     "Whatever, goodnight." He flicked the switch off again and shut the door. As he walked away, he pretended not to hear Sydney's muffled yelling inside her room. He entered the master bedroom and took off his slippers.

     "See, I told you they tasted a little charred." Jennifer said as she watched her husband slide into bed and under the sheets. "Try not to be all up in her business this time around, okay? These first few days might be difficult for her because of her transferring from Jettson. Give her a little leeway, will ya?" Most of their pre-sleep talk was about their daughter. Now that she will start her senior year in a different high school, it seems her performance in an unfamiliar environment will be the subject for days to come.

     "Don't worry, Jen. I'm just looking out for her. Getting good grades, staying away from those horny boys, and entering a good college should be her only worries. And look, so far we've done a good job, right?"

       Meanwhile, Sydney was struggling in the darkness to reach the light switch. After a few seconds, and an unfortunate stubbing of her big toe on the bed frame later, she found it and switched it on. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed her cellphone. It's only 8:40. He needs to chill out. She set an alarm for 6:30 and lept in bed. There were no worries taking up space in her mind. She was just glad to be out of her old school. Laurence Preston High was her original destination after middle school. Jettson High was said to be more challenging for her. What a load of crap. The only challenge was not skipping school every day. At least I don't have to worry about him anymore. Sydney wasn't afraid of trying new things. She welcomed the excitement it brought. Not everyone felt this way, however. For the next few weeks, a tough challenge would descend upon someone she had never met before. How this person tackles it would affect not only themselves, but Sydney and everyone around her.

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