chapter thirty-two

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SIRIUS HADN'T REALLY been expecting much to happen on a dreary Monday evening

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....SIRIUS HADN'T REALLY been expecting much to happen on a dreary Monday evening. Mum would most definitely kick them all out of the living room to catch up on her muggle soap operas for the week, but other than that, it was sure to uneventful.

When a knock came to the front door, he wrestled with James to see who would have to get up and answer it. James got him in the side with a particularly sharp elbow and so he made his way to the door, rubbing his ribcage as he went.

Perhaps the fact that he hadn't been expecting anything out of the ordinary was the reason that he was so shocked when Jackie Harmon appeared to be standing on his doorstep, drenched through her clothes with rain and tugging a frail house elf wrapped in a massive cloak behind her.

Sirius merely stared at her, his eyes slightly widened and his jaw slackened, unable to muster up the usual words of greeting.

Finally, her eyes drifted up to met his and she took a deep breath, exhaling sharply. "Hi." She spoke before promptly bursting into tears.

It was so unexpected that Sirius jumped in fright, taking a step back as giant tear droplets began to fall down Jackie's face at a ferocious speed. She dropped her face into her hands to cover her expression of sorrow and still, Sirius had no clue what to do next.

"Pads! Who is it?" James called out as he turned the corner and entered the front corridor, also coming face to face with a sobbing Jackie Harmon.

Sirius merely turned and gave a befuddled shrug, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "It's Jackie." He replied, rather obviously.

"I know it's Jackie you numpty, but why is she here?" James asked, putting his hands on his hips and quirking his head to the side. "And why does she keep making that awful noise?" He asked, looking slightly put-out at the little sobs Jackie was letting out.

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