chapter thirty

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IT COULD BE suggested that James Potter's birthday had been a fixed point in time and all other events following it were a direct result of that day

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....IT COULD BE suggested that James Potter's birthday had been a fixed point in time and all other events following it were a direct result of that day. Ever since it had occurred Jackie had a burgeoning feeling that her world had turned on it's axis and was now set to follow an entirely different path. Everything was changing too quickly and moving at a pace that Jackie felt she had to sprint to keep up with.

This week was their last before the Easter holidays and as soon as that was over, the exam period would be upon them. Jackie watched as the library started to steadily fill up around her more and more each week in preparation for this time. In fact, she had to completely abuse her prefect power to keep her favorite table free of any unwelcome students.

Her little study group had expanded so rapidly in the lead up to exams that she had conjure up a few extra chairs on especially busy days. Regulus had finally given into the idea of joining them and sat across from Jackie ritualistically, kicking her under the table and smirking when she told him off for making her smudge her ink.

James showed up sometimes too, dragging a reluctant Peter along with him. Cordelia and Benny also made it whenever they had rare moments of panic. But the most unusual addition had to be Sirius Black.

Sirius, who hadn't been seen studying in years but yet aced every exam effortlessly was setting foot in the library. It was practically unheard of. But he was there every evening without fail, usually giving Jackie a genuine smile and sitting down to quietly revise. She decided not to jinx this rare feat of productiveness and instead of saying anything, just smiled right back.

It was a warm Spring day the next time everyone was successfully gathered together in the library. Even with the oddly nice weather outside, the library was still crowded. The only sound in the place was the scratch of quills filling the air before Lily finally broke the studious silence.

"It's too nice outside to stay cooped up in here all day." Lily declared, gesturing to the sunlight streaming in the window above their heads.

"It's nice in here too." Jackie reasoned, glancing up from her Transfiguration notes for a second.

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