chapter twenty-four

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JACKIE HAD FIRMLY decided that she would not be speaking to Sirius Black for the foreseeable future

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....JACKIE HAD FIRMLY decided that she would not be speaking to Sirius Black for the foreseeable future. If he was going to compare her to some sort of wicked dark witch, she would show him just how well she could hold a grudge. As she sat at breakfast that morning and caught sight of him laughing and joking with his friends at the Gryffindor table, she could feel her irritation grow.

The rest of the girls were also sitting at the breakfast table, slumped over their eggs and bacon after stumbling into bed a little after three that night. Benny was now wolfing down anything edible in sight to cure her developing hangover and Cordelia was outright refusing to interact with anyone. Regulus was as well-presented as ever and Jackie's hair was a little bit wild but no more than usual. Elizabeth had taken one look at the sunlight streaming through the windows and had went straight back to sleep.

"You know," Benny mused, her hair sticking up humorously on one side. "I think that half-bottle of Firewhiskey that I drank as a nightcap before bed could be a possible cause of this brain-numbing headache."

"You don't say." Jackie teased, raising an eyebrow in the direction. Her head was constantly aching and she wished it was only due to overindulging on alcohol on the weekends.

Regulus and Jackie both stifled a laugh at Bennys expression of regret behind their hands, as he spooned sugar into her tea, making it for her just the way she liked it.

"This is not a laughing matter Jac." Benny groaned, closing her eyes and setting her head down on the table. "I think I need the kiss of life quick." She announced dramatically, slyly cracking open one eye to peek at the girl.

"I would." Jackie told her, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "Except for the part where you're not actually dying. And even if you were, it would be your own fault."

"Fine!" Benny lamented. "If you insist on being so difficult, go get Marlene McKinnon to give me the kiss of life instead. At least then I can die happy." She told her, plastering a massive pout on her face.

Jackie looked up at her with a wry smile on her face. "You know, I heard McKinnon has a boyfriend." Jackie lied, just to irritate her a little.

Benny shot her a proud smirk and ran a hand through her tousled hair. "Jackie dear, when will you learn that just because there's a Keeper, doesn't mean you can't score?"

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