Chapter 8

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Greya was awoken to a soft tingling feeling on her cheekbones.

"Baby," she heard through the murky fog of her brain.

"Baby, we've got a problem you need to get up," Quin's deep voice mumbled in her ear.

Not wanting to leave his warm arms, she huffed, "What is it Quin, I'm busy." Shoving her face closer to his throat.

Quin hesitated. Tensed. And she knew a bomb was about to detonate.

Greya's entire body locked.

Adrenaline flushed through her, urging her to shove off Quin and pull the knives out of her boots.

As she was about to, Quin's hand slipped under her shirt and pressed her back to him.

"Too many witnesses," he explained. "There's one target. Black overcoat. Black shades. Seven o'clock."

Slowly letting her up. They maintained eye contact as she slid into her own seat.

Greya pulled her gaze from Quin's taught jaw and burning blue eyes and turned.

A blonde man was sitting adjacent to her. Black aviators obscured most of his face but she felt his eyes on her. She knew the tingling sensation on her cheek was his gaze burning into her. It was as if he was trying to set her on fire by sheer willpower.

Greya leaned back into her seat and matched his glare. She scanned his tall stature. A slow feline smirk crept onto her face as she caught his fists spasm.

Her heart was beating a mile a minute but she wouldn't show it. She inhaled steadily to calm herself. Maintaining her cool exterior. She recognised the bastard.

The man brought up his left hand and ran his ring finger over the studs pierced into his ear. The studs that matched Greya's.

A threat. She was marked as traitor. Her breath lodged in her throat and her smirk faltered as he reached the longer rod of metal in his ear lobe.

Quin's arm snaked around Greya and began rubbing circles on her hip in reassurance.

She was not alone. Quin was here.

Greya leaned towards Quin and looked up to his face. His eyes were a bright blue. She wouldn't be surprised if they glowed in the dark. He pinned them on her and something deep in Greya roared in approval.

Fury and destruction. That was what mirrored in the depths of the bottomless cerulean blue.

Raising a single brow she asked what the plan was. She wouldn't speak. The mercenary would read the plan off her lips.

Quin's eyes flashed to the bathrooms before snapping back to her. If she wasn't watching him she would've missed the quick movement.

She blinked in confirmation. Then she leaned forward. The circling on her hip paused. She pressed her lips against Quin's throat slowly. The hand on her hip squeezed. She drew back half an inch and exhaled.

Then just to mess with him, pecked his stubble covered jaw.

Greya retreated and rose from her seat. She didn't deign look at Quin nor the Jenkov and strode toward the restrooms. Her lips tilted in casual amusement. Her posture betraying indifference and normalcy.

She watched the reflection of the window in her periphery to see the Jenkov getting up to follow her.
The fool.

She rounded the corner and slid into the darkness behind the waiting room door of the men's bathroom.

Graze Her Heart Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora