Chapter 6

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The bastard left her men's clothing. A huge black shirt and boxers. Apparently looking in the ladies section of wherever he bought them from was too much of a hastle.

She washed her clothes while she showered with some shampoo. Refusing to wear the boxers, she pulled on the shirt. It was big enough that it hovered against her midthigh, a makeshift nightgown.

Greya blow-dried her washed underwear and put those on too. She assumed Quin would book another room for himself, so she didn't bother drying her pants.

That would take too long and she was about to fall over in hunger. Hanging up the wet clothing on the towel rack, she stepped out of the bathroom.

Looking around, Quin wasn't back yet. That was fine. She didn't expect him to be. She was taught to take no more than eight minutes to bathe. Anything longer, Krenin considered vanity.

Pushing her long damp hair back, she stood beside the bed barefoot and watched the sun setting. The orange- lavender watercoloured sky was now a vibrant ombre of fuscia, coral, and deep indigo.

The stars were more prominent. Greya looked up at them and wondered how many men wasted time counting them instead of appreciating the pure ethereal beauty.

The sun was a bright red neon disk on the horizon, blushing in happiness. Saying hello to the beautiful stars.

Greya smiled at the thought.
Then someone cleared their throat behind her. Her body tensed, her stance widening and knees bent slightly. Her hands forming loose fists. All by muscle memory. Her body prepping for attack.

She'd been off her guard, someone approached her and she wasn't even aware. Unacceptable.

She looked over her shoulder to find Quin staring at her from the foot of the bed. Her muscles relaxed one by one and her attention went to the box of pizza in his hand, somewhere in the corner of her mind, she registered the white of his clenched knuckles.



"Come here for a second," Quin called her from investigating the pizza he had set down on the bed.

"What is it Quin?" Greya glanced over to him. His entire frame was tense, his stare a brand on her face.

Did he have bad news to share? Shit. Had the Jenkov found them?

Not letting her mind wander further into dismay, she crossed her arms over her chest and let out a deep exhale. The shirt shifted with the movement.

Quin swallowed hard. Greya tilted her head curiously. He looked ravenous. His jaw clenched and his breathing was too slow. Controlled. The pizza was right there, if he was hungry he could just eat some.

"Come here," he repeated. His voice a few octaves lower than normal. His eyes returning to the hazy grey from the alley. His pupils dilating.

Greya wondered if he had some kind of eye mutation. Her lessons on human anatomy didn't specify any noticeable changes of eye color or explain how Quin's pupils could dialate so far they'd make the normally cerulean blue iris, pitch black.

"There's food right there, what do need me for?" Waving a hand toward the open box.

Huffing in frustration, he crossed the distance between them. He grabbed her wrists and yanked her toward him. She almost let out a little squeal of surprise, not anticipating the sudden movement.

He wrapped his arms around her and his nose went to her neck as it had before.
"My clothes look great on you sweetheart."

"Your clothes?" Greya's spine went rigid as she realised he gave her his clothes to wear. She had assumed he bought her them from one of the little textile shops tucked along the road the hotel was on.

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