Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 is dedicated to smallwritingbean and Aiyra_isha and AliBorrowMySorrow

Thank you for your support ❤

I recognized that voice— the polite, observant voice that belonged to Jackson.

He stepped out of the shadows and the light finally illuminated his face, confirming my guess. I glanced behind him, half expecting Malekh to pop out too.

“I’m alone,” Jackson said, as if reading my thoughts.

“Jackson… we’ve come to escort you back to Crysauralia,” CaVaughn informed him.

“I left because I wanted to,” Jackson explained patiently. “I have no intention of coming back with you.”

There was something off. I glanced around and I was sure CaVaughn must have noticed it too. Jackson wasn’t surprised. It was like he was expecting us, as if he came to greet us himself.

I wondered if Jun had been right about an ambush. I winced as another piercing cry cut through the night. CaVaughn kept his gaze leveled at Jackson.

My mind flashed to Kristof and Raúl’s team. I couldn’t bear the thought of any of them getting hurt.

“I apologize for your injuries, Elizabeth,” Jackson said, turning to me. “But this was the best way. I’m sorry for using you.”

“What are you talking about?” CaVaughn growled, taking a step forward.

“It was the quickest way for me to join the Spade Kingdom.”

“What are you saying?” I whispered. “We want you to come back with us. Everyone does.”

“I can’t come back yet,” he sighed. “I have to stay here.”

“What do you mean you have to? Are you a prisoner or something?” CaVaughn hissed.

This was one of the rare times I saw CaVaughn really animated. He really cared more about Jackson than he had let on.

“No, your highness.”

“Don’t call me that. We’re friends, aren’t we?”

“I’m a traitor of your kingdom and you still think of me as your friend? I’m touched, but as a prince, that is not how you should think of me. Wrong choice.”

“Don’t lecture me,” CaVaughn scoffed. “Or at least come back to your own kingdom and do it. Maybe I’d listen to you then.”

“I can’t go back now,” Jackson said, placing emphasis on now. “There’s still a lot to do here.”

I glanced behind us, wondering why Jun was taking so long to catch up to us. He had seemed confident in his ability to take down the front guards. Maybe we shouldn’t have let him go alone.

“Is this about Grace?”

A pang of pain flashed across Jackson’s face but he quickly concealed it. “It’s not just about her. I have my own reasons too.”

“Are we going to have to fight?” CaVaughn asked bitterly.

Jackson glanced at the ground. “Can you trust me?”

“What?” we both asked in unison.

“Trust me,” he repeated. “Malekh will not go back on his word. Crysauralia has three years to prepare and you don’t want to take them lightly.”

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