Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is dedicated to Sirenqueen46

Thank you for your support ❤

I swallowed the disappointment that welled up inside of me and robotically moved to the en-suite bathroom to change from the hospital gown to my regular clothes.

It was quite a difficult feat with a fractured arm and a partially broken wrist, but eventually Bianca came in and helped me. She assisted me wordlessly although her mind seemed far away. After brushing down my hair, we left the hospital.

The bodyguards walked behind us cautiously, monitoring every subtle movement around us. It was already dark out as Bianca and I walked side by side. Her hand automatically rubbed her tummy.

"I'm really glad you and the baby are safe," I said.

She smiled down at her belly. "We're grateful that you helped us. All four of us."


"Me and Beau, and these two little ones."

I swivelled around to face her in surprised joy. "Twins?"

"Double trouble," she laughed. "I had to get an ultrasound after the incident, and we decided to find out the baby's gender, only to find out that I'm actually pregnant with twins. We're having a boy and a girl."

"Congratulations!" I said, embracing her in an awkward hug and slightly hurting myself in the process.

"Be careful," she reminded me with a twinkling laugh. "You are so accident prone for a human."

"The universe is out to get me," I mumbled. "I didn't ask to be this clumsy."

"I bet you didn't," she laughed. "The sky's so clear tonight. Look, you can see some of the constellations."

I glanced up at the sky. It was beautiful. Among the constellations, there was a star by itself. Its solitude looked out of place among the groups, as if it had been kicked out of one of the constellations. Still, it was shining proudly by itself.

"That one's all alone," I murmured, pointing to it. The sadness in my heart suddenly reappeared.

Bianca observed the star for a moment and then turned to me. "You know, if you ever feel lonely, I'm here. You do know that, don't you?"

I nodded, although I wouldn't even think of burdening Bianca with my problems.

"I know what you're thinking," she chided. "But don't think you can do everything by yourself. Sometimes it's hard shining all alone by yourself. Depend on me too, if it will help. Woman to woman, there are things we can understand without words."

I smiled up at her and nodded again. We hadn't made it that far from the hospital when we spotted Beau coming towards us.

"Elizabeth," he grinned, almost crushing me in a hug. "I'm glad you woke up."

"Don't crush her," Bianca chided him.

"Thanks for helping the love of my life and the new loves of my life," he said, while wrapping an arm around Bianca.

"It's nothing," I laughed. "I didn't do that much."

"Yet you ended up unconscious for days," Bianca reminded me. "You did everything."

I smiled down at the ground. We made conversation as we continued to the guest house. There, Prince Jaxon was ready with his entourage, to give me his most heartfelt apologies for having been kidnapped on the royal grounds.

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