Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 is dedicated to Nithyapriya000 and AnshuSingh526 and mercymutiu

Thank you for your support ❤

"They say it's going to rain tonight," my dad mentioned as he helped mom clear the table.

"That would be good. It's too hot. The heat's all but killing me," she complained.

"We'll have to get the AC fixed. This summer's already such a hot one."

"But do you really think it'll rain?" I asked, glancing through the kitchen windows. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"They said it would be like a thunderstorm," he grunted. "If that happened, then they'd be right for once."

I laughed at the little faith he had in the weatherman. The weather predictions had been off lately. I thought about that as I leafed through my book. They would be right for once.

"She was right for once."

I frowned as Malekh's voice suddenly played in my head. I paused, trying to remember what he could have been talking about.

Come on, Elizabeth, think, I told myself.

"She was right for once."

Who had been right? I struggled to take myself back to that night. I was lying on the floor, bleeding. Everything was blurry. Malekh was talking to Demetri. What were they talking about?

"It's as Cyrena predicted," the memory of his voice came back to me. "She was right for once."

"Cyrena!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet. The book I had been holding landed on the floor with a thud.

"Who?" mom asked, surprised by my sudden outburst.

"I just remembered something important!"

I rummaged along the couch for where my phone had magically teleported itself to. I swear phones never stayed in the same positions on sofas. I found it etched between the cushions and sent a text to Jun.

I remembered something. It's about Cyrena

He texted back almost immediately. Woah, good job. Can u come over?

I glanced at the time. I could... but tonight was also Ashton's engagement party.

The sooner the better, Jun texted again before I could respond. I can't come to u because I'm stuck here for the stupid engagement

I don't know about that...

What did u remember about Cyrena?

She predicted something. I don't remember what though

Some of the squad members are coming back tonight. We can put your information together with what they managed to find out

This was really important. Maybe something they found out could stir the rest of my memory. It was already good that I had managed to remember something. If I could remember everything then that would be even better.

OK, I'm omw

"I'm going out, if that's okay," I called to my parents

"This late, honey? Where could you be going at this time of the night?"

"It's not that late," I complained, grabbing my keys. "Kev will be there too," I mentioned, knowing that it would put their hearts at ease.

"Fine," she and dad consented hesitantly and I blew them a kiss.

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