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Disneyland was definitely an experience for the family, and it definitely tired them out.  After practice, JJ actually went to their house and hung out in the living room with Kalani.  When they got back, he was sort of expecting for everyone to hang out, even though it was almost 11pm, but instead, Eladio walked in holding a passed out Casimiro, and the girls tiredly trailed in behind them holding everything they bought and Disneyland ears on. Of course they greeted JJ with nothing but love, but after about 10 minutes of being downstairs, everyone went to take a shower and go to bed. While Mariposa was taking her shower, JJ waited in her room on her bed with Kalani since he already showered hours ago. All he did was change from the clothes he kept in her room, and then both he and Kalani started watching TV. However, she too also fell asleep at the foot of the bed.

"Aren't you tired from practice?" Mariposa yawned, coming back into her room and collapsing onto the bed. She didn't even bother to get under the blanket, so her face was in her pillow and she was sprawled out beside JJ, currently being thankful for the fact that she had a big bed.

Since she had no energy and was pretty much on the brink of passing out, JJ picked her up and put her under the covers with him.  "Not really, we took a nap earlier on the couch."  Nonetheless, JJ turned off the lights so only the TV was illuminating the whole room, making it somewhat easier for Mariposa to fall asleep.  In an effort to get more comfortable, Mariposa put her head on JJ's shoulder and subconsciously, he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead.  "I love you." He proclaimed in a low voice, paying attention to the TV while rubbing her back. When he didn't get a response back, he looked down and saw that she had successfully fallen asleep. even though the room was dark, the light from the TV allowed him to see that her mouth was slightly agape and even with all of her make up taken off, her long eyelashes fluttered delicately on her cheeks.

Even though Mariposa had already fallen asleep, he didn't want anything to disturb her, so he pulled the blanket higher up to cover her shoulders, and turned down the TV. At the end of the bed, Kalani lifted her head when she felt the blanket moving, then went back to bed once noticing that nothing interesting was happening.  For the rest of the night until he fell asleep, JJ was mindlessly rubbing Mariposa's back and even as he fell asleep, his arm held her tightly against his side.  When Fabiola and Eladio woke up and went to check on all of their kids, that was the sight that they saw when they opened Mariposa's door.  The only difference was that rather than being curled up in a ball, Kalani was on her back with her paws in the air.

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The school week was mediocre at best, nothing exciting happening other than the football scrimmage. Since it was now playoff season, there wasn't a game every week, so the guys would be training but not actually playing any games yet. it actually ranged from normal practices to full on conditioning days. However, the conditioning days are usually at the beginning of the week so the guys would have time to let their bodies recover.

On the weekend, Mariposa went to work the morning shift at the animal shelter, as usual, but once she got off, she got ready to go to Crenshaw.  Spencer was having a park cleanup, and Olivia was going, so she was kind of automatically invited.  JJ would've come, but he wanted to sleep in and his parents were finally home, so he was going to spend the day with them.  "Yo, the whole family's here!"  Spencer greeted, watching as the entire Zavala family came into the park with supplies. They were sort of a touchy family, so rather than just greeting Spencer, everyone hugged him instead, even though it was only like the third time they met him. "I didn't know everyone was coming."

"We always do stuff like this. And you mentioned something about getting rid of the graffiti, so we thought Reina would be able to paint something." Fabiola explained.

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