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Chapter 25 The President's Stand-in Little Wife 01 (2)

    Or maybe he is his new partner. After she became an adult, Song Lizhao wanted to introduce her to some older but have high position in some companies more than once, and wanted to profit from her in-law relationship. Every time she refused, Song Lizhao became angry several times.

    It was just that after she had grown up. She started working and study on her own since she was in college. Song Lizhao couldn't coerce her financially, and really couldn't do anything with her.

    Every time she didn't listen to his arrangements to go on a blind date with those old men, he could only call her and scold her, and scolded her bloody on the phone.

    The last time they met was half a year ago. When the New Year was about to come, she went to a restaurant downstairs of his company and had lunch with him. Unexpectedly, after half a year, Song Lizhao didn't seem to miss her at all. He just wanted to push her to various old men, and even after half year have passed. He invite her for dinner, he will still also bring an old man over.

    She suddenly lost her appetite for food.

    She sat and listened to the two men in front of her and exchanged a few words. When the waiter came up for their order, she picked up her bag and stood up.

    "I'll go to the toilet," she said.

    Song Lizhao look thoughtfully, seemingly inadvertently said: "Why would you bring your bag  to the toilet?"

"There are cosmetics in the bag, I have to go and put some makeup." Song Jinxi said.

    Chen Fasheng showed a clear look and persuaded him: "Yeah, you don't understand it, Mr. Song. Now when women say to go to the bathroom, almost all of them go to the bathroom to put make up, only one or two are the ones who really go to the bathroom."

    Song Lizhao smiled, "You still know that."

"I don't understand very much either." Chen Fasheng also said with a smile.

    Song Jinxi turned and left, and she rolled her eyes when she heard that they were still chatting.

    There is really no need to maintain this family relationship.

    She has no nostalgia at all.

    After buying a few green vegetables and returning home, Song Jinxi made a lot of complaints while cooking the noodles and using the system as a trash can.

    "There is no family, no one to like, and no good girlfriend..."

    "I have lived by myself for too long."

    "From graduation to now, I have been living lonely every day. There is no expectation to anyone. There is no pressure in life, and there are no aging parents waiting for me to make money to pay respects to them. The only grandmother who loves me passed away early."

    "There is no one who can make me tempted and make me want to be with him. Starting a family, raising children for him... I now earn money and spend money, eat and sleep, work... These monotonous live have nothing worth a memory."

    "I'm too lonely."

    She said. After that, she sighed deeply.

    "Those dead straight men have a clear purpose for looking for me every day, either for me to check for bugs, or to ask me questions about the computer programs. When they talk to me every day, nine out of ten sentences are:'Jinxi, this program can’t run and I can’t find the problem. Can you help me see it?” Or just: “Song Gong, how do I extract this data?” And “Our two pages have similar functional requirements, your code? Let me copy it'... or something."

    "Every day besides code, it is code. We go out for dinner at noon and talk about code. Occasionally we go out to team building together and we talk about how to solve the bug. Go during team building. When checking out supermarket shopping, the first thing I paid attention to was that the function of the shopping system in other supermarkets was too  outdated and should be updated..."

The more she talked, the more excited she was, and there were almost three black question marks on her head.

    "Such dead straight men, they will never find a girlfriend in this life."

    "And they are all technical nerds, their souls are extremely boring, after knowing that I have strong technical ability, everyone only regards me as a big brother, they  don’t know me at all. Actually, I also have a pink girly heart..."

    "I like to buy pink color for everything I buy now. This is my least favorite color in adolescence. At that time, I wanted to roll my eyes when I saw pink. I think pink is too naive. But now, when I see pink, I can’t help but want to buy..."

    "Actually I am also a...cute little girl at heart..."

    "No one is in love with me at all, my heart is almost barren and moldy, I actually really want to act like a baby with the person I like, and want to kiss me. Hug and hold me high..."

    "I haven't broken that place when I'm already twenty-five years old. If the hymen had annual rings like a tree trunk, I would now have twenty-five circles."

    "Life is really lonely as snow... "

  "  ...Only my male god, he likes me."

    "He's still so good, so good to me..."

    "I want to talk about a vigorous relationship, too."

The  system inadvertently confronted the code girl and the old maiden's complaints.

    Although it didn't understand human feelings, it still detected the melancholy scent exuding from Song Jinxi's body.

    "Forget it, don't say it, go back in as soon as you finish eating the noodles," the  system said.

    "Go to your male god, tell him this, and let him cherish you."


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