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Harry lapsed into unconsciousness on the way to the hospital wing. He felt better as he woke. They were inside the castle at that point.

"Harry!" Sirius pulled his arm under Harrys' armpits to carry him.


"Yeah, it's me. I've got you. Come on." He said, gently pulling the boy with him. Harry hoped along beside his godfather.

When they got to the medical wing, the champions were placed on beds beside each other. Harry in his usual one by the door.

"Children, could you please explain what you saw?"

"Headmaster." Madam Pomphrey scowled. "You are in my Hospital. I will examine the patients before you interrogate them."

She walked in and held her wand over Harry. "Shock, Tiredness, and the cut to his arm." She said, as she placed one potion beside Harry. "Episkey." She cast on the arm. "Drink that. Tell me if you need a pepper up. I can't give you your dreamless sleep for forty-seven hours afterwards."

"Thanks. I'll be fine." Sirius stood beside the bed, his hand on Harrys shoulder.

"Good." She moved across to Viktor. "Seems to just be shock. Drink this."

"Blagodarjá." He took the vile and drank.

"You're welcome." She moved on to Cedric. His parents were either side of him. "Your leg is a little strained. Just drink this."

He just nodded and drank. Mrs Diggory turned to the nurse. "Thank you."

Madam Pomphrey then moved finally to Fleur, who was furthest away, on the other side of the room. She held her wand over the Veela girl and gave her a different potion to drink. Her father was sat beside her. He wasn't an attractive wizard but his wedding ring was withered deep into his hand. It was obvious he hadn't taken it off in decades.

"Are you all okay?" She turned across to the four children.

"I'm fine Madam." Harry told her. Cedric nodded too.

"Bein." Fleur nodded slowly.

"Ve're all fine now, Ma'am." Viktor told her.

"Now you may talk to them, Headmaster." Madam Pomphrey turned to glare carefully at Professor Dumbledore. "Be gentle; I've given them a calming draught."

"Of course, Poppy." She gave him a look and moved slightly away.

The other teachers looked to Dumbledore to be sure they were allowed to speak now.

"Right children. Now we are sure you're alright, can you tell me what happened in the task? You shouldn't have been together."

"It was tight sir. We were pushing and shoving to get to the cup." Harry told him.

"I see." The headmaster didn't look like he believed him.

The teachers began to move into the room. Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout and the Fake Mad Eye Moody.

"The cup was a portkey. It took us to some sort of graveyard." Harry continued in quick bursts of voice. "Lucius Malfoy and his wife where there. Voldemort returned. Malfoy, he used my blood to bring him back."

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