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Harry wished he could practice his Animagus over the Holiday. He still had the sparking problem before he was able to change. Ron and Draco changed perfectly and made fun of Harry relentlessly for it.

He settled with reading all the material for next year and helping Oliver practice for scouting sections. This was what Quidditch interviews were called. He had called up for a few but hadn't been invited in for one yet.

"Have you heard anything back from Puddlefeild?" Harry shouted across the garden.

"Not yet." Oliver shouted back. "Woo good catch Harry."

They were having a break from the Keeper practice. Oliver didn't want Harrys skills to suffer for his career. Oliver was still trying to encourage Harry to pursue a Quidditch Career himself.


"Let's try a unicorn dive." Oliver floated beside Harry.

Harry lifted up in the air as Oliver set the snitch. With the curve dive on his Firebolt Harry caught the snitch easily. It probably wouldn't have been as easy if he didn't know where the snitch would be. Still it was a perfectly conducted dive.

"God Harry I thought losing Charlie was bad. Come on please consider working in Quidditch. You can't waste that sort of talent."

"If I think about it will you leave it alone."

"Probably, no promises."

"Fine come on let's practice for you now."

"Alright." Oliver tossed Harry a Quaffle.

"Harry." Lee called out of the back door. "Hedwig has a letter."

"Let's have a brake." Oliver started heading down. "You know you're not a half bad chaser."

"Would you have put me on the team?"

"Well no but…." Both boys laughed. "Okay maybe you should stick to seeking."

"Why don't you ask your dad to help. He was chaser in Hogwarts."

"Yeah same as your dad."

Harry went into the owl room; it was used for broom storage too. Most of the rooms in Olivers house were broom storage. Harry had found an old Farstreak under his bed they were no longer in production.

"Hey girl." Harry greeted his owl. "Let's see what you've got."

It was a letter from Sirius.

Dear Pup

Hope you're alright? Are you doing your homework? You shouldn't leave it until last minute Harry.

Harry read over the line again and smiled. Sirius was trying to sound responsible.

Anyway I was just wondering what size room you wanted. And if you want a garden. Wizard world or Muggle? I can get a house almost anywhere. I want to know what you think will be best.

I also hope you don't mind but Remus will be living with us. Especially now he doesn't have a job.

I'm glad you agreed to move in with us pup.

See you soon and tell your Gran I say hello. You're visiting with her the weekend right?

Your Uncle Padfoot.

Harry smiled and read over the letter once more. He then sat down at a desk pen his own reply.

Dear Uncle Sirius.

I'm great here; I am visiting gran this weekend. I'll tell her you say hi. Don't worry about my homework I've already got most of it done.

I'll love to have Uncle Moony living with us. He can help me with my defence work. It'll be great.

Padfoot you should know that I don't care what size house or room, anything like that. I don't mind but I don't really want to be in the muggle world. I want to be able to practice Quidditch.

It's great to hear from you; how are you? Are you starting to feel better now? Draco said that his mom told him you weren't doing too well the past few weeks. She said it was the shock from Azkaban and that you'd be better soon. I hope you are.

I can't write to much more; I have to see my mind healer in a bit.

I'll write soon. Tell Remus I say hi.


Harry tied the letter to Hedwigs leg and stroked her feathers. "Could you take this to Sirius when you're ready?" She hooted and began pecking at her water bowl.

"Thanks girl." Harry sighed and went to shower. He didn't have long before his meeting with Miss Hale.

Abigale Hale was beginning to get frustrated with Mr Harry Evans-Potter. Well not frustrated with the boy himself more with herself.

Harry was a hard child to analyse. He wasn't one to answer questions in any kind of detail. He avoided many of her questions. Abigale suspected that the only way to really get information from him was Veriserum. Something she would never do.

He was showing mild signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. He clearly had some kind of anxiety disorder. It wasn't surprising considering what she knew about his upbringing.

Harry was a very guarded person; or at least he was around her. He seemed to be functioning perfectly fine outside of their sessions. He acted pretty normal around his friends and new family. According to Poppy he still came often for dreamless sleep. Once a fortnight was the average.

It was just horrible and she didn't know how to help him.

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