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Harry was glad he remembered going through these exams before because he still had so much to think about. He still hadn't figured out what to do about Quirrall; the parasite wouldn't shake his hand so that plan was useless.

He was terrified about the hearing; he never wanted this to happen he had never planned for this. He didn't want the ministry deciding who he would go to. He might end up with Lucius Malfoy. Not that he didn't like Draco he just couldn't stand Lucius.

When Harry told his friends about the hearing most of them picked up their Quills and began to write letters to their families. Hermione wrote to her parents who- according to her- had always wanted both a daughter and a son. Ron, the twins and even Percy wrote to their parents. Neville wrote to his Gran. Seamus to his mom. Fay and Lavender wrote to their parents too. Draco didn't bother as he knew Harry would hate his parents; despite already thinking of Draco like a brother.

After that Hermione decided it was time to distract Harry and set up study sections in the common room. Harry and Hermione tutored most of the Gryffindor first years and some of the older years even chipped in to help. The Gryffindor's bonded every morning at six so they were now more than happy to help each other. Harry made Neville tutor all of them on Herbology and after the first few minutes her became more relaxed and started to even enjoy teaching; as Harry knew he would.

Another thing that made Harry happy was finding out Hagrid was dragonless. He hadn't accepted the dragon egg in the pub as he promised Harry he wouldn't.

Then the exams came; Harry was told his hearings would be in the weeks after his exams. Dumbledore refused to make Harry leave during the exams.

In the exams most of the Gryffindor students flourished. Harry decided to show off and make his pineapple do the can-can so that it fell off the desk- climbed back up and carried on. The whole class laughed.

In Transfiguration Harry was given a trained squirrel instead of the mice that they had to turn into snuff-boxes. All the teachers had seen his freak out at the Christmas feast. He turned the poor animal into a perfect solid gold box with Gryffindor written in rubies across the top.

"Well done Mr Evans." McGonagall lifted it up to see there was Harrys name on the bottom and Inside was a lining of red velvet (this meant it couldn't be used but still was very pretty).

"Thank you, professor." Lavender Brown was the only Gryffindor whose box had a tail.

Harry and Draco clearly did the best in Potions but Snape just sat at his desk and didn't make anyone nervous in this exam.

Harry knew now that he should have told his friends about the stone earlier. He could sense that time was running out. He needed their help but he didn't know how to do it.

"Guys, guy's somethings wrong." Harry rushed up to them; Draco, Rona and Hermione were sitting together on the grass.

"What is it?" Draco asked; they were just starting to relax after the final exam.

"I don't know how to explain." It had to be today; after all that was going on, Harry ran out of time.

"English would be a start."

"Okay I just had this- vision thing. It started here." Harry placed his hand on his scar; he had no choice but to lie. No choice. "It felt like I was looking out of the eyes of a snake. I saw someone going up to the third floor. There's a huge three headed dog up there. They played a harp and got pas- look they're heading to grab this small stone thing. I think it might be magic; I think its Voldemort."

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