Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

A few weeks later the answer to what I would do for my birthday came.

I was sitting with Ashton on the sofa in his living room. I was still battling with myself over whether I truly liked Ashton or not, but there was no denying that we had gotten closer to each other over time. Melissa was busy doing volunteer work at a local law firm and Callie was completely engrossed in preparing for the school play and working with the lead who was suffering from a sudden case of stage fright.

Daniel was back in Italy for the time being, still sorting out his transfer to this kingdom and spending time with his family. Callie was immensely suspicious after he left, but he talked to her as often as he could, despite the time difference. He left messages and pictures and called her almost every day to talk about whatever.

His behavior contrasted with Demetri, who had gotten into another fight with Callie after she told him that she and Daniel were on speaking terms. He barely answered her calls and he wouldn’t text her unless she texted first. This made Callie miserable, but Daniel helped her to feel better.

Nicole had been missing from school for a few days and a rumor was going around that she was pregnant. I doubted that though.

On a happier note, Micah had begun eating his lunch in the cafeteria and even had conversations with some of his classmates. He was getting more social and was beginning to open up to others more and I really liked that.

I used Ashton as my pillow as I texted Kevin, who was back in Gregoria.

“Elizabeth, Ashton,” Mrs. DeLorentes greeted as she swept into the room. We looked up at her in surprise. She smiled widely.

“Hi, Mrs. DeLorentes,” I smiled back.

“Ashton mentioned that your birthday was on Saturday, so my husband and I decided to give you something special.”

Ashton narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the small square box that his mother placed in my hand. I gave her a surprised glance as I lifted the lid. It was a reservation for a dinner by the beach. For two.

“Umm… thank you. You shouldn’t have,” I smiled.

I appreciated the gift but I couldn’t help but wonder the reason behind it. The last time they had planned a date for me and Ashton, his father had tried to manipulate every second of it. I wasn’t too keen on that happening again and apparently neither was Ashton.

“What is this about?” he asked her directly.

“It is for Elizabeth’s birthday.”

“Okay. What’s in it for the king?”

“Your father just wants you two to enjoy yourselves.”

Ashton grabbed the reservation paper out of the box and there was another one underneath it. Reservations for a single hotel suite. I pursed my lips.

“Yeah, I’m sure we’ll really enjoy your present,” he retorted.

He stared at his mom until she sighed and sat on the sofa beside me. “The dinner reservation is from me. I suppose your father thought you two might be tired afterwards so he booked a suite just in case.”

“You know that’s not the reason why,” Ashton scowled.

“Whatever his reason was, he hopes you can accept the gift. Elizabeth?” she said, turning to me suddenly.

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