Chapter 12 Pt. 1

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Chapter 12 is dedicated to niselita

Thank you for your support ❤

I made a new cover for the book (even though I suck at making covers)
Please let me know what you think about it.

"Has either of you ever planned a party before?" I asked as we stared at each other.

"How hard could it be?" Callie grinned. "Don't you worry Lizzy pooh, it's going to be great."

I crinkled my nose at the nickname.

"My cousin Sophie's a party planner," Melissa mentioned after a while. "She could help."

"Yeah, but she's gonna want to talk to my parents," Callie groaned. "And I'm not trying to let them know that I'm having a party. They won't agree to it."

"Is it okay to use your house then?" I asked. "I don't want you to get in trouble or anything."

Callie waved off my concerns with a flick of her wrist. "They're barely at home anyways. I'm just inviting a few friends over," she smiled innocently.

"I feel like an accomplice," I giggled. "Is this what being rebellious feels like?"

"You wouldn't know rebellious if it hit you between the eyes," Melissa laughed. "You're still a baby."

I pouted at that.

"I'll ask Sophie what we need to get for the party," Melissa decided, sending her cousin a text. "Then we can buy the stuff and invite some people."

Callie nodded in agreement. "Alright."
Sophie was a bigger help in planning the party than we'd thought. She came over to Callie's place and her eyes immediately lit up with all the possibilities.

She fawned over how amazing Callie's house was. She was so impressed, she didn't even remember that Callie had parents. I didn't blame her. Callie lived in a mansion after all.

She was pretty awesome. She made a list of all the stuff we'd need and then we went out and bought them.
I set out the last of the snacks and Melissa turned the music on. Callie looked on with glee, making sure everything was perfect.

Her parents wouldn't be home until next week and since it was the weekend, her brothers were with their grandparents. Our master plan was ready.

"Let's go get changed," she squealed.

We went upstairs to her room to get ready for the party. We had bought matching swimsuits. They were all different colors. Mine was lavender, Melissa's was red and Callie's was white. I wrapped my cover-up around me.

Downstairs, the sound of chatter drifted up to us. We were worried that no-one would come, but it looked like curiosity got the best of them.

They probably thought that since we were friends with Kevin then he'd be there. We weren't known for throwing parties. We weren't known at all as a matter of fact. Well, I wasn't at least.

Melissa was the president of the student council and Callie just became president of the theatre club.

I ended up becoming the president of the science club because no-one else really wanted the responsibility and the teachers had recommended me because of my grades.

As a prefect I'd been labelled as a teacher's pet and I was quiet. If Kevin wasn't my best friend then no one would even give me a second thought. I didn't have a problem with that though, I didn't like crowds.

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