Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 is dedicated to @OfficialRoses

Thank you for your support ❤

Callie's POV

A soft knock sounded on the other side of my door. I drowsily cracked an eye open to see what time it was. My pillows were still soaked through from all the crying I’d done last night. My eyes felt dry and puffy.

It was after eight in the morning. I was already late for school. The disappointments of yesterday came flooding back to me and I really didn’t want to be awake right now. Maybe I should just go back to bed. Missing a day of school wouldn’t hurt.

I was still contemplating this when another knock sounded against my door, a little louder this time. I’d completely forgotten that someone was out there. I groaned, pushing the covers off myself to go check my reflection before getting the door.

It was safe to say I looked as horrible as I felt. My hair was frizzy and stuck to my face, which was still damp with tears, and my eyes were puffy and red. I sniffed, as I tried to run my fingers through my curls.

I glanced at the door as another knock sounded. What if it was my parents? It was unlikely that they would be home, but even they had to come back sometime, right?

I couldn’t help the excitement that fluttered inside me as I ran towards the doors. Who cared what I looked like right now? Maybe if I didn’t answer fast enough, they’d just leave again. I couldn’t let that happen. I hadn’t seen them since in months and my brothers missed them so much too. I scrambled towards the door, almost tripping over the shoes I’d kicked off when I got home yesterday.

I threw the doors open and the glimmer of hope that was in me was quickly extinguished.

“Good morning, Mistress Callie.”

I bit my lip and stared at the ground, trying my best not to show my disappointment. It was one of our family helpers.

“Are you feeling well?” she asked worriedly. “Your face looks swollen.”

“I’m fine,” I sighed, leaning against the doorway. My headache just intensified. “Are my parents here?”

“But you don’t look very good-”

“Just answer the question. Are they here?”

“No, miss.”

“When will they be back?”

“Whenever they see fit to return,” she answered. “I believe they are still on their cruise in Lydia.”

“Of course.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“No thank you.”

She nodded and left and I closed the doors with another sigh. A bitter laugh escaped my throat as I rubbed the ankle I’d bumped on a chair in my hurry to get to the door.

Of course they weren’t here. They never were. I shook my head. After all the years of saying I didn’t care, today made me realize that a part of me still did.

I collapsed onto my bed with a long sigh and reached for my phone. The screen came alive and the picture of Demetri on my wallpaper instantly made me feel better. He cared for me.

I rolled onto my belly and texted my friends to let them know that I wouldn’t be in school today. I still hadn’t told Demetri about the audition results. I tapped my finger on my chin and decided that I would do that today. He was at work right now, but we could have lunch together.

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