Whale of a Squid

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(Y/n) POV

      Aviva has finished a new invention called the Amphisub, which supposedly, should be able to dive deeper than any submersible.

Chris: Navigation Systems online.

Martin: Viewing port activated.

(Y/n): All systems green. We are good to go.

Chris: Alright, let's take the new Amphisub for a test drive.

      Chris starts driving the sub and doing all sorts of turns and loopdieloops, while Martin and I cheer and yee-haw the whole time.

Chris: This is an awesome sub!

(Y/n): You said it.

Martin: It's so maneuverable. And what a view. You can see everything going on all around us. Who knows what's lurking down in the depths.

Chris: There's our next question. Can this sun go deep enough to find out?

Martin: Whoa! Incoming!

     I look and see a large group of-

(Y/n): Cool! Arrow squid, and their feeding on

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(Y/n): Cool! Arrow squid, and their feeding on... *uses monitor to zoom in* little amphipods, tiny microscopic creatures floating in the water.

Martin: Whoa! *uses hand ports to feel outside the sub* These squid are squishy, heheh, and slimy. Oh and their suction cups kinda tickle. *laughs*

(Y/n): Aviva, I think you've got a fan of the exploration valve feature.

Chris: Oh yeah, this sub rocks the deep sea.

Aviva POV

Aviva: Fantastico! Just one more thing for the sub before you deep dive. Just hang out there until I can finish this robot arm! *to herself* Whew. Where's my mango juice? Oh, in the fridge, may as well try out the new robot arm.

      I use some control sticks to extend the robot arm all the way below deck and grab my mango juice from the fridge and bring it back to me. I then get back to the guys.

Aviva: Guys, this robot arm is going to be a great add-on for the sub. Perfect for deep sea discovery.

Martin: I like these exploration valves better, I can touch wild squid. This is Squiddo. Squidtacular. Squidcicle.

(Y/n) POV

Chris: Martin, are you squidding me?

Martin: Ha! Squidding me. Good one, bro.

(Y/n): There's no way you can make up names for 1,000 squid.

Martin: We'll see. This is-Ah! *the squid latches itself to the window* He nipped me! Your fangs! *realizes something upon closer inspection* Whoa, check that, make it beaks. A squid has a beak like a parrot.

The New Crewmate (Male OC Reader x Aviva) (Wild Kratts)Where stories live. Discover now