Mom of A Croc

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(Y/n) POV

I have been working with the Wild Kratt's team for about a week now and I have noticed that Aviva doesn't like crocodiles, this will most certainly not do. So, I convinced the brothers to help me conduct an experiment to get Aviva to see a whole new side to crocodiles, a protective mother croc side. So, off to an African river we went, by the way I still don't have a creature power suit of my own, but no matter. The Kratt brother's and I reach the riverbank and hide behind a bush.

Chris: I think she's coming out of the water.

(Y/n): As long as she doesn't see us, we should be okay.

We crawl to another bush closer to the sandy riverbank, and as I peek over I get really excited at the mama croc crawling out of the water, but Chris stands up out of cover and says.

Chris: *hushed excitement* There she is.

I pull Chris back behind the bush and we watch as the huge crocodile hauls herself out of the water and ultimately I couldn't contain my excitement either.

(Y/n): *stands* Whoa, the mighty Nile Crocodile of Africa! *as I get pulled behind cover* At over 20' long, only the Saltwater Crocodile is bigger.

(Y/n): *stands* Whoa, the mighty Nile Crocodile of Africa! *as I get pulled behind cover* At over 20' long, only the Saltwater Crocodile is bigger

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The female crocodile stops on the sandy bank and starts feeling around.

Martin: *gasp* She's picked a spot. It shouldn't be long now!

Chris: Oh, yeah, digging is step one.

(Y/n): Yes! Operation Crocodile Nest is underway. Aviva, are they ready yet?

Aviva is back in the Tortuga HQ to witness the experiment and communicates through my creature pod.

Aviva: Almost. But, guys, I told you this plan of yours is not going to change my mind. I just don't like crocs, period.

Martin: Oh, you'll like them after this adventure.

Chris: Yeah, Operation Crocodile Nest will prove that there's more to crocs than you think.

Aviva: They're just big, creepy reptiles. All I've ever seen them do is try to bite things. They give me the shivers.

Jimmy: Yeah, that's why they're cool.

Aviva annoyingly pulls up a video of a crocodile chomping down on a fish and this scares Jimmy.

Jimmy: Ahh! When they're far away from me.

Aviva: Exactly! See, and you guys think that when I see her lay eggs, it will make me like the big meanies all of a sudden? *as we all frown* I don't think so.

(Y/n): Well, crocs need those giant snapping jaws. Without them they wouldn't have lived past the dinosaurs, that and the way they take care of their eggs and babies.

Martin: *smiles return* Miniaturizer ready! *sets up miniaturizer* Let's do this.

The three of us jump on the miniaturizer and it shrinks us down to about the size of a baby croc.

The New Crewmate (Male OC Reader x Aviva) (Wild Kratts)Where stories live. Discover now