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My body feels weak as I start to wake up. The first thing I notice is that I'm laying on something soft.

Something isn't right, the backseat of my car has never been this comfortable.

My eyes are still closed as I try to bring myself back into consciousness, I try to open them but I'm so exhausted it feels like my eyelids are glued shut. My head is pounding and my mouth is dry.

I know this feeling all too well. Panic attack.

But why can't I remember what happened and why don't I know where I am?

I force my eyelids open, but I'm met with total darkness. My hands shoot around trying to find something, anything that's familiar, anything to tell me what's going on.

My hands slide against soft blankets and fluffy pillows, and my confusion grows. I don't own anything like this, so where am I?

My fingers brush against something hard and cold, a table maybe? I move my fingers across it until I find an object on it, I use both hands to figure out what it is. I find a switch on it and flip it, silently hoping it's a lamp and not a self detonation switch.

The harsh light fills the room causing me to squint and my headache to pound against my skull.

I look around.

I'm in a bedroom? Why am I in a bedroom? Think Rose, think.

Bits and pieces of what happened flood my brain, the job, the men who attacked me, Isaiah, Blake, and then being thrown out by security.

It was too much and caused me to have another attack, but why am I in a bedroom instead of waking up on the side of the building where I assume I passed out after I let the attack get the better of me.

Gosh, I'm such an idiot. Why did I let the events send me into a panic, I should be stronger than that.

I need to be stronger than that. You're so pathetic Rose.

I can't remember anything after the security started pushing me through the crowd. Did some random person take me home with them? Oh no, please, please don't let it be the two guys.

I throw the blanket off of me in haste and stand up. My body sways, still weak from passing out and my vision blurs.

My hand finds the wall and I use that to steady myself as I regain my balance. I need to get out of here before something bad happens to me.

I walk over to the door, light on my feet just in case someone is listening for me to wake up. I silently open the bedroom door and the room outside it is pitch black, the light from the lamp is too far away to light up beyond the door.

I run my hand just inside the door on the wall until my fingers skim a light switch, I flick it on, squinting my eyes until they can focus after being attacked by the bright light.

It's a... bathroom, great I found the bathroom. That doesn't help me out at all.

But the light from the bathroom is bright enough to light up the bedroom. I see another door on the left wall and walk over to it, still using the wall to support me. I slowly open the new door and peek out.

There is a dim hallway with a room off to the right that light shines out of, I look the opposite way and the hallway ends a little ways away from me.

No way out that way, best guess is my way out of here is where the light is coming from. Instinct tells me that whoever owns this house is also there though, and that sends pricks of fear down my spine.

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