26: Independent

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Luca walked me out to my dad's truck with a protective hand on my back. I was truly thankful he decided to stay with me but I could manage to walk the my fathers truck, well at least I thought I could. Thirty minutes ago I thought I was more than capable to walk down MBPA's halls by myself and be fine, apparently I was wrong. I was still slightly shaken up, not that anything bad happened to me but I wasn't used to this feeling of helplessness.

My whole life I've been independent and I didn't need anyone to tell me who to avoid or who I could and couldn't trust. I was good about avoiding people who bring trouble, if there was even a rumor about someone at Jefferson that involved anything that could jeopardize my future, I stayed clear. Sure that led to me having limited friends and most of the school thinking I was a snob, but I didn't care. 

I respected that Luca didn't want to share what happened between Mason and Marlee but it scared me. If there was a girl who was smart enough and accustomed to this life at MBPA it was the Reid siblings. If Marlee thought she could trust Mason, and if Luca originally was fine with his little sister hanging out with Mason, then how was I ever going to figure how to survive on my own.

" There's your dad"

I looked up and saw my dad leaning against the side of his truck with an unhappy look on his face. I was confused with why he looked unhappy, sure I was walking out of the school a little later than usual but there were still other students who hadn't gotten picked up yet. I checked the time on my phone and saw that school hasn't been out for even ten minutes yet.

"Skylar" My dad called pushing himself off his truck.

I felt Luca push me slightly against my back when everything clicked. My dad already thinks that there is something going on between me and him, and walking out late with Luca's hand on my back can send some mixed signals.

"Yeah?" I said trying to act casual like nothing is going on. I didn't need Dad suspicious.

"Why are you late? You two aren't doing anything together right?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, having an 'attitude' wouldn't be very helpful right now. I've always been a daddy's girl so naturally my dad has been protective with me wanting to date guys but this was ridiculous. I was allowed to have friends and he needs to learn that I am no longer eight years old where if a guy was your friend that made him automatically your boyfriend.

"I'm not late. Later, yes but not late. We were talking to each other and another classmate about homecoming" I smiled reach for the door handle of my dad's truck. I didn't lie, I could never lie to my dad, but if he knew the whole truth I would be back at Jefferson High School by tomorrow morning.

I looked back at Luca and saw him wearing a confused look. I fought a giggle because I'm used to seeing Luca walk with confidence not looking like a confused puppy. I didn't tell him about my argument with my father but dad did treat Luca coldly when he was at our house. He's smart enough to figure when he's not being welcomed. He's also smart enough to know why I would avoid the whole truth. At least I hope he is.

"Homecoming?" Dad asked

I knew that word would get him to change the subject. Surprisingly my dad wants me to experience all the dances that I can so I get a true high school experience. I knew he would get excited if I was even considering going to that stupid dance.

"Yep I was just asked" I said forcing myself to smile.

"Really" My dad asked with a smiled on his face

If only he knew

"I said no"

His smile dropped in the matter of seconds. I hated to see that look on his face. I immediately felt guilty getting his hope up of me going to that dance, even if it was just for a few seconds.

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