Chapter 61

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A few days after Voldemort found out the 'tragic' news of Draco's fathers passing, he demanded there be a funeral despite there being no body.

The fact that they did not know the first place to search also played at key part in that.

So while Draco was gone, Tissy and Pansy helped Eden out, they cooked, walked, read, did a bunch of girly thing that they could not really do with Draco around.

For once Eden actually saw a genuine smile on the house elves face.

The empty casket was buried somewhere near Voldemort's castle. A field where only the most elite and loyal Death Eaters were buried. It was hidden from most people.

Draco told her everything when he got home. They sat in the living room discussing how the Dark Lord had decided to push Eden moving to another household to a few months later, which they were both so thankful for.

"Hey," The girl placed her hand on his hand, squeezing it and releasing it to grab his attention. "You seem off. Did something happen? You can tell me."

He snapped back into reality, his eyes leaving their stare on the fire cracking in the fireplace. "I'm fine... You know, I never thought I would get you back. I don't know, I knew I was going to be in your life one way or another, but I never thought I would get you back like this. I thought for sure when you remembered, Voldemort would be dead. I thought 'hey, maybe we can be happy, be in public, raise a good family in a good home', but that is not the case at all. I just wish I could do more for you. I want you to be happy, safe, loved..."

So that was what this was all about?

"We can still be happy with Voldemort in charge. Remember what we spoke about? That island, our daughter-"

"Yeah, but you will never truly be happy because everyone you love is gone. It must hurt you. Imagine, if we run, we'd need to be alone for the rest of our lives or at least until the Dark Lord was dead. No one would be able to see us. We couldn't leave to have a night out on the town, or see a movie, or even just go for a simple walk. No, we'd be stuck on that island forever." Draco explained, holding his head in his hand. "But we can't run now. Not yet..."

Truth was, he did not think he would return home after tonight to be able to do all these things with her.

"Why not now? We could do it whenever we want-"

"No Eden. We can't yet. It'll be too soon, we would need to plan a fake death or something. That would keep Voldemort's nerves at bay until we could get some charms on the islands. Ones that will keep people from locating us and apparating to us. The moment he knows we're gone, he'll come for you, kill me. We need time to plan. This isn't something we can just do overnight."

It was though.

It was so easy to do. Charms did not even take that long.

Why is Draco making excuses? Something is wrong here. Seriously wrong.

Eden couldn't place it, but whatever it was was bothering him deeply.

The only thing she could do was sit and change the subject to something he would rather speak about.

Later on that night, Eden found out why he was acting the way he was at the fireplace.

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