Memory 7

430 11 1

January, 1998

The hours were beginning to feel like days and the days were beginning to feel like weeks. Because of Eden's missing work, she was fired. She had no way of paying off any bills and the more she would ignore it, the more it ate her from the inside out.

Having the constant feelings of nausea and stress was horrible. It made her not want to eat and when she did, she needed to lay down to digest her food properly. If she didn't do it that way she was sure she was going to throw up.

After a week and a little bit, Fred came back so spend the day with her.

No one came to visit her after the little sleepover she hosted. Not even Draco... But she knew he was probably just lurking right outside her window when she slept like the little psychopath he was.

"How is everyone doing? I haven't spoken to anyone since the attack... Or everyone has just been avoiding me-"

"It's not that Eden. No one is ignoring you. They're just busy. Professor- I mean Remus... He's been coming to the new safe house every day with updates. He says things are not looking good, but I have never stuck around long enough to find out what was so bad. Don't need that on my conscious... Say, you should really get some anti-apparation enchantments on this place."

"God you're beginning to sound like Malfoy. I've tried. I don't know how. Even Hermione tried. She doesn't know how, but if you would like to try be my guest. Maybe you'll be the lucky wizard." Eden placed a bowl of pasta in front of him and sat beside him at the small counter.

As he scooped some of it up onto a fork, he abruptly stopped and looked toward her. "Aren't you going to eat? You're looking a bit pale."

"Oh no. I'm not that hungry, but even if I was it's not like I have anything left over for me... I lost my job. Don't tell Harry. Or Hermione..." Telling him was a mistake and she regretted it right after it left her mouth. "Or anyone- You know what, whatever I know you'll do it anyway."

"I'm sure Malfoy would be happy. Didn't you tell me he dragged you out of there when you first started-"

"Fred. Not the time. Never the time actually. You know it is so odd. Right after his mother died he started coming around; talking to me. He's becoming quite obsessed. The night you all slept here he met me outside. Told me he comes here often... Used to watch me come home from work."

Why was she speaking to Fred about this. He was the least serious person she knew. If she were to be crying he still wouldn't care. The most he would do in a situation like that is put his arm around her and laugh, though he was a nervous laugher.

"Perhaps he fancies you Eden. You never know-"

"He has Astoria Greengrass. That is not possible.  Plus I think I have made it abundantly clear that I do not enjoy his company."

Fred rose a brow and took one more bite before opening his mouth to speak again. "Haven't you heard Eden. Him and her are..." Dragging his finger across his neck, Eden got what he was trying to say and her eyes widened.

"They're done?!"

How strange.

How did Eden not already know this.

She was the queen of gossip.

Everyone told her everything.

She never spread anything though. That would be horribly rude.

"Yup. Done. I know because not only was it in the Daily Prophet, but I saw Astoria Greengrass snogging an old man in an alley. Quite a disgusting sight if you ask me though. She's only your age and you're just a baby-"

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