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When I turned to leave, I couldn't help but worry. I honestly didn't want to leave her alone. But since she was very persuasive and made a face I couldn't say no to, I knew just had to go her way to avoid arguing. 

I left for work still in my clothes from yesterday. When I arrived, Mark, Teddy, Derek and Bailey stared at me the moment I walked in the attending's lounge.

"Is that what you wore yesterday? Don't tell me you got some action last night and didn't end up getting home?" Mark said, his voice almost laughing.
"Yes it is and no I didn't get any last night."
"So you did not end up getting home then?" Teddy said shutting Mark up.
"I didn't. I spent the night somewhere." I said with a smile on my lips.
"Oh yeah, Callie definitely got some."
"Not you too Shepherd. We already have Mark."
"Okay now why do you look like you actually got it on?"
"I HAVE NOT-- I don't need to answer to y'all. Geez." I finally said and headed to Arizona's cubby. I looked at some of her clothes, and thankfully she had a sweater and some leggings that I could fit in.
"Ohhh we're on the borrowing clothes stage huh?" Mark said from over my shoulder.
"Sloan! Leave Torres alone." Bailey warned Mark.
He backed away and I then got on with my business. They all left for rounds and so I freshened up and soon, I was ready to take on whatever came my way.


Rounds and one surgery later, Mark paged me and Teddy texted me to grab some lunch.
I went down to the cafeteria and met up with them. When I got there, I could see them arguing from where I was standing. Now in front of them, I had the most confused face ever to be recorded.
"I'm here. To what do I owe this meeting?"
"Are you and Robbins a couple now?" "Are you and Arizona together?"

Chuckling, I sat down.
"No. Where did you guys get the idea that we are?"
"Is that it? I have a surgery in literally 10 minutes."
"Yep, that's it."
"You guys are meddlers."
"We enjoy it."
"Okay bye now!!"
"Wait! You're not getting lunch?"
"I gotta save a life! See you guys later!"

I left them both, still arguing over something I never knew what was about. I scrubbed in my surgery and 4 hours later, I was out and erased surgery on the OR board. I then checked on some post-ops charts and did a bit of paperwork. 
The thought of food slipped out of my mind and before I knew it, I was down again in the cafeteria looking for something to eat. The food left were not appealing nor appetizing at all. Now out of options, I settled on the vending machine, hoping the food from it would somehow fill me up enough to finish other stuff I had to deal with. 
Throwing some chips into my mouth and casually sipping from the soda can I had, I made my way back on the Ortho floor and into the room I was in earlier, finishing my paperwork. The sound of my pager disturbed me from my work and before I knew it, I was rushing to the pit for trauma.

"What do we have here?"
"Her parents claim she jumped off the roof."
"Tssk. Kids."

After a quick exam, I concluded that she had a lot of broken bones and she needed surgery right away. I told the resident in charge to book an OR and let an intern put the patient into pre-op. Soon, we were in the OR, operating on the girl who 'jumped' off of her roof.


A few hours later, we were now closing and I finally went out of the OR. I pulled of my scrub cap and sat down on one of the hospital beds hanging around the hall. After several attempts of fighting the urge to sleep, I ended up pushing my entire body up the bed and drifted off, taking a nap.

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up from my absolute lovely sleep. I picked up my phone and answered.
"Yes hello?"
Mark screamed unto the phone making me sat up immediately.
"I'm somewhere in the hospital. You woke me up from my nap. What's up with the screaming?"
"I got a teen, claiming she's my daughter."
"Ohhhh well what do you know, Mark Sloan finally got caught up with his ways."
"Oh shut up. I'm in the smaller conference room. Meet me here now!"
"Alright I'm coming."

I jumped off the bed and headed to where Mark was. When I got there, I saw Mark having a staring contest with the blonde opposite of him.

"Okay. I'm here. What do you want me to do?"
"Callie, This is Sloan."
"Hey, nice to meet you."
"We are going to take the test."
"Oh--you mean-- you want me to do it?"
"Alright let me grab the equipment."

After getting the swab kits, I then headed back to them getting their samples. When we were done, I let an intern get it up to testing and asked if it could be rushed.

"The test should be out in a couple of days, tops."
"Thanks Callie."
"Anytime Golden boy."
"I like the nickname!"

Walking away, I remembered I had paperwork to work on that I left earlier before the trauma came in so I headed back to the Ortho floor groaning in exhaustion. 
Hours later, I looked up from my paperwork, stretching my back and saw how it was already dark out. I checked the time and quickly realized that my shift was over. Closing the charts and other folders, I rushed to the attending's lounge, got into the clothes I borrowed from Arizona. Right. Arizona. After I was done, I walked out and called for a cab to go to her house.

I arrived and paid the cab driver. I walked to her doorstep and knocked.

We exchanged a few yells and she let me enter her house. I popped my head in first before completely entering and when she wasn't in sight, I let myself and locked the door behind me.

"Arizona? You there?"
A voice came out of nowhere. Turning my head to the staircase, I saw her standing halfway up. 
"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to see you again. Personally."
"Aweee, did someone miss me?"
Chuckling at her statement, I answered;
"You bet I did. Hey did you eat already?"
"Yeah. I fixed myself some shit."
"Well okay. I just wanted to check up on you before I went home."
"You drove all the way here just to see me?" She said with her lips turning up into a smile.
"Uhhhh yeah! Why? Is that bad?"
"No. No. I'm glad you did."
"Okay HAHA. Well I'm gonna head home now. I'm gonna lock the door for aight?"
I turned around and headed towards the door. The moment I touched the doorknob to twist it open, she called for me.
"Calliope wait!"
I faced her.
"Yes Arizona?"
"Can... Can you..."
"Can I what?"
"Can you stay the night? Again?"
Her eyes pleaded me to stay and I really didn't wanna say no.
"Sure. If that's what you want."
"Have you eaten?" 
"Nah. I got caught up in a lot of things today."
"Well you know where the kitchen is. If I knew how to cook, I would cook you something but me cooking in the kitchen is a disaster waiting to happen."
"Lucky for you, I can cook."
"Well how about you go fix yourself something to eat and when you're done, you come meet me upstairs."
"Okay and you wouldn't mind me cleaning up again right?"
"Nope. You do what your heart wants it to do Calliope."
"Alright, I'll head up in a few."

She disappeared into the staircase and I made my way into the kitchen. I stirred myself some vegetables and chicken and dinner is served. After I ate and cleaned up in the kitchen, I entered her living room to see that it wasn't as bad as yesterday's. I fluffed the pillows and fixed the magazines then flicked off the lights. I then made my way up the stairs and knocked on her bedroom door.
"Is it safe to come in?"

I got in to see her leaning against the headboard with a medical journal in her hand.
"You know, I enjoy reading them too. Helps refresh my mind."
"Right? Kinda fills in the gaps you somehow forgot."
She looked up from her book and her face showed a look of awe.

"You're wearing my clothes." Her smile was so big that it almost took up half of her face.
"I am."
"Well, you look good in them."
"Thanks. Hey, where's your bathroom?"
"You can use mine. It's right over there."
"Great. I kinda need to splash my face with some water."
"Feel free to grab clothes in my closet if you wanna change."
"I'll just keep these."
"Okay Callie. Suit yourself."

When I was done in the bathroom, I got out and she was already in her side of the bed.
I was about to head downstairs to sleep on the couch but I think she sensed it. She pushed herself up on the bed with her elbows, sat up and stared me down.
"Now where the heck are you going?"
"You gonna do what?"
"Get some water?"
"Are you sure?"
"Are you gonna sleep on the couch?"
"Yes? Wait shit."
"Callie. You're gonna sleep next to me okay?"
"Now get in here."

I walked to the bed and slowly got in. 
"Good night Arizona."

I faced the other direction, not facing her. Minutes later, I felt her scoot closer and wrap her arms around me.
"Hey Callie?" She whispered in the darkness.
"Can I hold you?"
She tightened her grip around me and snuggled her head into the space between my shoulder and my neck. I felt her breathing relax letting me know she was asleep. I slowly turned around and faced her. 

Damn she's beautiful.

I leaned in and slowly captured her lips. Pulling back, I then pulled her close and let myself sleep in her embrace.

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