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Ruffling my hair and swinging on my bag, I got out of my car and walked to the doors of Seattle Grace. 
Stopping by the coffee cart, I got my usual morning coffee and sniffed the lovely smell of the caffeine. Getting greeted and smiled at by the nurses and the doctors and casually returning the gestures, I made my way to the attending's lounge.
Upon entering, I saw Dr. Bailey pouring herself a cup of coffee from the lounge's coffee machine.
"Good morning Dr. Bailey!" I happily greeted.
"Robbins, you're unusually extra happy today." Bailey said eyeing me up.
"What do you mean? I'm always this happy."
"No, there's something."
"Whatever you say Bailey."

Grabbing her coffee cup, Dr. Bailey excused herself for rounds. 
I changed into my scrubs and headed out for rounds myself.
Wheeling around the Peds floor and basically wheeling around the hospital was what I enjoyed most. It helped me move easier, not that I hate walking. People used to think I looked ridiculous in my wheeled shoes, but hey, my Heely's seemed pretty convenient to me. 
Henry's room was my last stop for rounds. Poor kid ruptured his appendix. 
When I got inside, I noticed Callie was already there playing with Henry. I smiled at the sight of them. 

"Dr. Robbins!" Henry said a little too loud, making Callie look up at me.

I don't know why I haven't noticed it before but Callie is simply stunning. Miraculously stunning. 
I snapped out of my trance and walked up to them.

"Morning Henry, Dr. Torres. How you holding up bud?"
"I'm awesome! Dr. Torres played with me. It's so fun!"
Callie ruffled his hair and glanced at me.
"This is why you should've gone to Peds Callie."
"Still a no Robbins."
"Well, it was worth another shot." 

We both bid Henry goodbye and went our separate ways.
I got to the NICU and checked the preemies then headed for my consult.

I bumped into Teddy on my way to my consult. 
"Zona! Been a while since I last saw you." Teddy exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug.
I lightly laughed and hugged back.
"A bit too dramatic Theodora, we had lunch yesterday."
"Whatever. Where you headed?"
"Mm'kay. Catch you later!"
I nodded and stuck my hands into my pocket and entered the room.
I saw Sloan looking at a few films, thinking hard.
"What do you have for me Sloan?"

We talked and bumped up a few ideas regarding his surgery for a baby. After a few arguments, we finally decided on what surgery and techniques to use, as well as treatment plans. 

"Thanks Robbins. See you in the OR." Sloan said while walking to the door.
"Wait what? I'm scrubbing in with you? I thought I was only here for a consult?"
"Come on Robbins."

I got up and caught up with Sloan.

After 5 hours of surgery, we finally closed up the patient and scrubbed out.
"Good job in there Robbins."
"You too Sloan. You did a fantastic job."
"Thanks. Hey wanna celebrate?"
"You mean grab drinks right?"
"Is there any other way to celebrate? Well besides..."
"Not happening Sloan. Never in a million years."
"Seriously, I'm the golden boy. Why does everyone keep on shooting me down lately."
I laughed at him and got out.

A few more consults, surgeries and final rounds for the day was finally over and I was ready to head home.

Before I could actually leave the hospital, Sloan, Teddy, Derek and Callie were coming up at me.
"And where do you think you're going?" Teddy yelled.
"Home. Where else?"
"No. You're getting drinks with us." Teddy said while yanking my hand.
I had no choice but to go along with them.

We got into Joe's and celebrated by drinking. We danced to a few songs and slumped into our seats catching our breaths.
"Damn Torres, I didn't know you could shake that ass, let alone dance like that." Mark said while sipping his drink.
"And there goes the Mark we all know."
Derek spoke, putting his drink down.
We laughed at what Derek said and Mark just shrugged his shoulders.

While drinking and popping some peanuts in our mouths, Teddy and Derek got paged, leaving Mark, Callie and I.

Mark, being the perverted ass he is, decided to pull some tricks up his sleeve. 

"So Arizona, you interested in some lady around tonight?"
"There is one." I smirked up at him.
He widened his eyes up at me and I nodded.
Callie just looked back and forth between us, looking confused as hell.
"Okaaay, you guys are creeping me out. Do you have this jedi mind reading thing?" Callie spoke.
"Nope. I just understand things that you can't." Mark bantered. 

Checking his pager, Mark grabbed his coat, quickly telling us that he was needed in the hospital. We exchanged farewells and I watched Mark leave the bar.
"Hey Arizona, you never told me where Arizona came from. After all, you got my name already." Callie said, a smile edging up to her lips.
I gulped at the sight in front of me. She flashed me a megawatt smile that made my knees week. My breath got caught up in my throat, almost making me forget to breathe.

"Hey Arizonaaa??" She asked again.
"Oh yeah sorry. Well, I got my name from a battleship, the U.S.S. Arizona. I'm a military brat."
"That's nice. What's it like? Being in a military family?"
"It was fine, but the moving part has got to be the most awful. We just always had to adjust, make things happened and then the next thing you know, we're moving away again."
"That must suck, leaving friends behind."
"I got used to it as years went by."

We continued to talk, laughed and hanged around. 
I noticed Callie's eyes started drooping  and her just basically laughing at all the nonsense that came shooting out of my mouth.
"You're drunk as shit Calliope. Think you can get home?"
"You make my name sound so sexy. How do you do that?" She smiled lopsidedly.
Feeling a blush creep up on my cheeks, I chuckled at her comment.
"What can I say, I make everything hot and sexy."
"Gee way to boost your ego Robbins."
She tried to stand up, but failed, swaying a little too much on one direction. I caught her in my arms just in time before she hit the ground.
"Jesus Callie, I'm taking you home. You are so screwed tomorrow." I lifted her arm and put it around my shoulder. I assisted her to my car, putting on her seatbelt before getting around the driver seat.
"Callie, stay up. Now where do you live?"
"What? I need more consonants Torres."
"Maaark... Mark's... place." She answered.
"You live with Mark?"
"What? NO!"
"Where do I drop you off Callie."
"Just take me..... to Mark's.."

I drove to Mark's apartment building, giving Callie a hand in reaching Mark's floor. Turns out, she lives beside Mark's apartment.
She rummaged through her bag, fishing out her keys. 
"Damn it. It won't open Arizona."
She protested, not actually slipping any keys into the key hole.
"Here let me."
She leaned on me while I tried every key in her chain. Hearing the door click, we pushed inside her apartment, me flicking on the lights in the process.
"Where too?"
"Just... drop me... on the.."
And right that instant, she fell asleep, breathing out a few snores.

Fuck even her snores are cute.

I put her down on the couch nearby, putting a throw pillow under her head. I put her feet up, removing her shoes, and placing them back on the couch. I saw a knitted blanket hanging around the lounge, so I decided to put the blanket on her.
Satisfied, I gently removed a few strands of her hair, out of her face and fixed it a little bit. 
I made my way around her apartment, grabbing a glass of water and Advil, knowing she's probably gonna feel shitty in the morning.
I placed them down on the coffee table near her and collected myself.

With one last look at the sleeping beauty, I turned off her lights, locked the door, and headed out. 
Heading down to my car, I sighed.

She might be the death of me.

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