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I laid awake, my gaze fixed at the ceiling above me. I couldn't bring myself to sleep, not with Callie beside me. I tossed and turned the entire night. I forced my eyes shut, but somehow, I just end up staring at the space in front of me.
I heard her release light snores and thought it was the cutest thing.
I turned around wanting to face her and boy was the air knocked out of me.

Her skin glowed beneath the light coming from the window that the moon gave off. Her face unetched with worry, showing calm and peaceful features. 

Holy shit I could stare at her forever.

I tucked my hand beneath my head and continued to study every inch of her face. I soon felt my eyelids drop, letting sleep took over.


Groaning at the annoying sunlight, I felt something in between my arms move. Not waking up nor opening my eyes, I snuggled more into the warm thing that moved beside me. Then I felt the thing shake me.

"Arizona? Are you awake?"

Realizing I wasn't alone, My eyes shot open and backed away from whoever was on my bed.

Now fully awake, I looked over to the person. I instantly calmed down the moment I saw Callie, sleepily trying her best to keep her eyes open.

"Oh. It's only you."
"Did you think I was someone else?"
"I was just... so used to waking up alone."
"Hey, it's okay. Sleeping alone gets kinda lonely."
"Hopefully I won't get lonely now."
"Hmmm, hopefully."

Callie sat up and stretched out. The way she moved, had me getting shivers down my spine and goosebumps all over my body. Then, I slowly got up from the bed, making sure that I didn't put too much pressure on my foot and fixed my pillow. Callie did the same and we both fixed the covers together. 
When we were done fixing the bed, Callie went down while I took a long shower. 
Crawling out since I was too afraid to stand on my foot, I then changed into the clothes I picked out.

I sat on the bed and looked around for my crutches. When I found out that I left them downstairs, I carefully stood up, made sure I didn't completely put all my weight on my foot and limped towards my doorway. I made it down the hall without falling and I felt confident walking down the stairs. Mentally patting myself, I got down the final step of the stairs successfully. Smiling at my tiny achievement, I headed to the kitchen, limping, to see Callie move around my kitchen like a boss. I leaned on my doorframe and watched her.

Well what a sight to start my day with.

I made my presence known by jumping up behind her. Startled, she jumped, making her almost drop the spatula she was holding.

"Whaaat?" I said innocently, while wrapping my arms around her from behind. I felt her lean into my touch making me giggle.
"You scared me." With that she faced me.

Our faces were inches from each others, making me stare at her lips, then up to her big brown eyes. Leaning in, I saw her close her eyes. I put my hand on her cheek, caressing it softly. Her eyes shot open and what she said just made my morning.

"Just kiss me already."
I leaned in and kissed her. She immediately kissed back and put her hand on the nape of my neck, deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sync and molded perfectly together. Coming up for air, I pulled away, leaned my forehead and rested it against hers.

"Good morning Calliope."
"Good morning to you too Arizona."

The smell of something burning snapped us both from our short intimate moment.

"SHIT! I burnt the bacon. Are you good with toast?" Callie said, her face frowning.
"I'm good with anything." I said sitting up on the stool.
"Okay. I'm just gonna stir up some eggs."

I watched her cooked the eggs in awe. 

She looks so hot in my kitchen.

When she was done cooking, we shared the plate of eggs and toast and eat off of it.
She walked towards my cupboard and grabbed two mugs. She then filled them with coffee.

She handed me the mug. Taking in the scent of the coffee, I raised the mug up to my lips, satisfaction an understatement as I gulped it down.

"You have no idea how thankful I am for you right now."
We looked at each other, smiles on our lips.

We talked for a bit, enjoying the comfortable mood around us. She cleaned up, not allowing me to help her since she wants me to rest my foot, even though I literally just woke up an hour ago. 
The minute she was done, she turned my chair, grabbed another stool, placing my foot on top it.. She then turned to my freezer, took out  a pack of peas and placed it on my injured foot.

"You ran out of ice but luckily I found this guy."
"Hey Callie?"
"Yeah?" She said looking at me.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Coming over, staying the night, taking care of me and basically just coming into my life."
"Well aren't you a smooth talker?" She said chuckling while carefully moving my foot.
"Hey! I'm being serious here."
"Well,  you're welcome. And thank you, too you know."
"Now what's that for?"
"For coming into my life too."

We stayed in the kitchen for a little bit longer. Suddenly having the need to know what time it was, I glanced at the clock and saw how late Callie was.

"Calliope! Aren't you gonna head to work? You're late! Like reaaaally late."
"I'm taking the day off."
"Why would you do that?"
"I want to take care of you, make sure that your foot heals."
"You don't have to."
"But I want to."
"It's just a sprain Callie, I'm gonna be fine by myself for one more day."
"But what if you fall? Then hurt yourself more?"
"I won't. I promise."
"Well that won't work. I'm staying."
"You have to go to work. You have patients."
"Fine. Only because you said so."
"Good. Now go! Don't mind taking a shower. Just get one there. If you need any normal clothes, just borrow some from my cubby, I've got extras."
"Okay okay. Thanks. And please take care of yourself while I'm gone. And please please please keep your phone close and call or text anytime or when something happens."
"I'm going to be fine Calliope. I promise."
"Okay, I'm gonna head out now. Take care alright?" She said one last time and pecked my lips.

I heard the door close and I was once again left on my own.

I sat there and just looked out at the window. I rested my elbow up against the counter and leaned against the palm of my hand, a dreamy sigh leaving my lips.

I'm happy. Not just happy, but genuinely happy. And it's all because of Callie.

When I got bored,I put the pack of peas on the kitchen counter,   hopped of the stool and landed on my good foot. I limped towards the couch and did exactly what I did yesterday, just less food this time and less trash. 

Hours ticked by and I was still bored. Closing the medical journal I had in hand, I groaned again. 
Suddenly, my phone started ringing. Not bothering to look who it was, I immediately picked up.

"Arizona? Heey. How are you? Are you doing okay?"
Instantly recognizing the voice, I then answered.
"I'm good Teddy. My foot hurts less now when I move it."
"Well that's good to hear. We miss you."
"I'm only a day gone and you guys miss me already?"
"Duh. You and your stupid wheelie shoes."
"HEY! My Heely's are not stupid!"
"Okay okay. No need for you to get all protective over that."
"How about you? You cool?"
"I'm great. Anyways, I'm gonna get back to work now. I just called to check up on you. Bye Zona! See you soon? or maybe tomorrow?"
"Hopefully. Bye Teddy!"

"Take care!"

She ended the call and once again I was bored.

Noon came and I just ate the chips that was left on the table. I then watched the TV the entire afternoon and basically waited for nightfall.
When it was starting to get dark outside. I decided to finally get up after spending the entire day on the couch. Adjusting, I tried to walk normally and sad to say, I ended up limping. 
I brushed off my disappointment and limped to the kitchen to find something to eat. After I ate, I headed up the stairs. Halfway up, I could hear the knocking on my door.

Too tired to come back down, I yelled while standing there.

I heard Callie yell too from the outside.

I saw from my view up the stairs,  Callie, pop her head in first before completely letting herself in and locked the door.
"Arizona? You there?"
She turned her head to the stairs and finally saw me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to see you again. Personally."
"Aweee, did someone miss me?"
"You bet I did. Hey did you eat already?"
"Yeah. I fixed myself some shit."
"Well okay. I just wanted to check up on you before I go home."
"You drove all the way here just to see me?" I said while smiling.
"Uhhhh yeah! Why? Is that bad?"
"No. No. I'm glad you did."
"Okay HAHA. Well I'm gonna head home now. I'm gonna lock the door for you aight?"
She turned her back and headed towards the door.
"Calliope wait!"
She faced me again.
"Yes Arizona?"
"Can... Can you..."
"Can I what?"
"Can you stay the night? Again?"
"Sure. If that's what you want."


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