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(For real this time)

1month later....

"It's been 30 minutes. There is no point in waiting anymore."

Sadika sighed while glancing about on the clock every few minutes as she sat down by the table of men. They all had the same solemn look plastered on their faces as they realized their leader was not coming. With Alister gone, she knew it was her job to keep the mafia going but it seemed that everyone knew that nobody could do a better job than the man himself.

"Did you actually think this time would be any different?" Lord Tate let out a bitter chuckle as he stared at everyone's nervousness. "He hasn't come out of that fucking room for a whole month now. I wouldn't be surprised if he had drank himself to death by this point. Why the fuck did any of us even come?" He muttered angrily as he stood up from his seat and aimed towards the door.

(For those who don't remember, Sadika is Alister's second in command because Drakul was arrested and Lord Tate is his number three.)

It was obvious that he would have never dared uttered those words in Alister's presence. The word 'coward' floated around the men's minds but they all knew that either one of them would have reacted the same if they were ever under Mancini's gaze.

"You can't leave! We need to discuss talk about the funding for the-" Sadika yelled at him but her voice was cut off by Tate's roaring laughter.

"You think you can replace Mancini? Face it, Sadika. There's only one man  who can lead us and right now he is drowning himself in alcohol over that fucking whore-"

But he didn't finish his sentence.

Alister's finger wrapped around his throat as he threw the lords's body against the nearest wall.

"What the fuck did you just call her!" He spat out, the alcohol in his breath becoming more and more apparent to the quivering man in his grasp.

"S-sir! Y-you-" He tried to answer back to the monster bestowed beside him but the shock took away his ability to speak.
"I-I'm so sorry sir. I-I didn't know-"

Sadika and the rest of the men in the council meeting stared with wide eyes at the scene happening in front of their eyes. The man who had just appeared before them well and cocky was now crushed against the wall with the man he dared speak illy about savagely staring at him with murder evident in his eyes.

Some stared at him with pity in their eyes wile the other slowly rethought what this would mean for their title. Afterall, serving as the third in command bellow a man such as Alister was considered the highest honor.

With one swift motion, Alister tore out the bones in his neck leaving him only alive for the horror to sink in.

In mere seconds, he was dead.

The men gaped at the corpse of the man that only a couple of seconds who had full authority over them, now just rotting flesh and bones. While all of them knew expected him to get severely punished, they would have never expected him to actually go as far as kill one of his most trusted men based on one harmless word.

They all instantly bit their tongues and stared down at the floor, all too scared to even breathe.

Alister slowly turned around to face them, heavy and aggravated breaths leaving his mouth. The savage look in his eyes never left as he walked away from the dead man and into his seat. The alcohol was reeking off of him and everyone knew that it was best to keep silent.

Especially these last few weeks.

Many considered Alister the most heartless man alive before Kamala, but they had no idea what they were in for now. They didn't think it was possible for his heart to get more corrupt with evil, but they were all wrong.

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