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I attempted to get out of bed, but Alister caught me before I even managed to move my feet.

"You can't even walk yet. There is no way I'm letting you talk to the man that tried to kill you." Alister explained and he was slowly loosing his patience. Alister's horrible temper was famous beyond belief and yet, I still felt as if there was another reason he didn't want me to see Alvie.

"That's not your choice to make!" I yelled out. I knew it was useless but god be damned if he thought I was going down without a fight.

"This is probably your dumbest fucking idea up to date." He tried to stay calm but his furrowed eyebrows were enough to hive him away. He climbed up into the bed where I was still struggling as he held me across the waist.

"Stop it! Let me go!" I cried and pushed with all the power I had to try and move his arm, but much to my dismay, his arm wouldn't even budge.

"No." He answered wittily, very much playing to my annoyance. "I know you can't see it now but you'll thank me soon enough."

"No I won't! Let me go!" I yelled against his embrace, hoping to make him feel guilty and possibly letting me go, but he didn't seem affected in the slightest.

Instead, he pulled me tighter against his chest, totally ignoring the weak punches I was throwing against his torso.

"W-Why are you doing this? I just want to talk to him!" I shouted out, my voice weaker with every word.

"We both know you're not in the state to 'just talk to him.'" His velvety voice remarked from above me.

I couldn't stop yelling. Once I started it was impossible to do so. All the anger that I had built up inside me, came sprinting out without ever stopping to take a break.
I would never admit this to Alister, but he was right. I didn't want to see Alvie. It was too soon and lord knows what I would do if I saw that bastard's face again. I just needed somebody to yell at. Somebody to take all my anger out.

Fortunately, Alister was there as tribute.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered into my ear, before planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"No it's not! It's not going to be okay. Why do these things keep happening to me!" I cried into his chest, now totally forgetting I wanted to kill him just a few moments ago.

"I'm Alister Mancini. If I say things will be okay, they will be okay." His cocky tone was not fit for the conversation, but thankfully, it did help calm me down.

The anger slowly evaporated from around me. All that was left now was the excruciating sense of betrayal, hidden deep inside that rage, yet momentarily, finally coming out.

"I just- I d-don't understand. I-  H-how could do that to me?" The words seemed revolting coming from my mouth. I chocked on my own words as I tried my hardest to contain my tears.
I was not about to cry for that asshole.

" How did you two know each other?" Alister's suspicious tone hit my ears and I suddenly had the urge to reveal everything to him.

But I couldn't.
I knew that.

"At first we met when he saved me from C-" I shut my mouth as soon as I opened it. Fuck. I didn't even think of that. I couldn't tell Alister about any of that either.

"Saved you from who?" The suspicion in his voice hit a new type of fury hidden within him. Even the slight thought of him not being there to help me was enough to make him go on a full-blown murder spree. I swear, the temper on that man was unbelievable.

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