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What an asshole!

The thought hung around in my mind as I swept through the thousands of pillows disposed on the silky white bed that belonged to one of the many guest rooms.

For a second I couldn't believe I spoke so illy about him and I had to constantly remind myself that this was in my mind and he was most definitely not a mind reader.

I shuffled uncomfortably as I thought about what was happening in the room just next to mine.

I didn't want to think about it.

I tried my hardest to concentrate on my work but my mind seemed to continuously drift back to what Alister must be doing with that other woman.

I knew I had no authority over him but the audacity he had to show up with some random girl, right after he kissed me!

I wasn't delusional. I knew I was just a maid and nothing serious would ever happen between us, but why does he have to confuse me this much?

I only got a small peek of the blonde girl rubbing herself against his lap before I ran to the other room but even from that small glance I could tell she was the exact type of girl that I would expect Alister to be with.
The fact that she was a lady was obvious from the expensive dress that lay on the floor.

From the second that I exited the doorway and saw them, I was sure that I would suffer from another panic attack. Thankfully, I left for the other room as quickly as I could and the panic seemed to cool off by then. I knew I had no right to be mad but I couldn't help it. I felt used, of course. But most of all, I felt worthless. Meaningless. Granted, I already felt that way everyday but to be reminded of it hurt in a whole different kind of way.

I paced through the room trying to keep busy only to realize every single inch was already spotless. Sighing in disappointment, I knew I had no choice but to leave and face... them.

I opened the door and felt an instant feeling of relief as there was no trace of the blonde. Alister, however, was a whole different story.

He sat on one of the bar stools, casually finishing a drink as if nothing had happened.

Even though I desperately wanted to ignore him, I knew the rooms beside this one were already spotless and untouched and due to my duty I had no other choice than to clean the living room that Alister currently resided in.

Averting my gaze from Alister, I started to mop the floor. From what I could see, Alister wasn't in a big hurry to talk to me either as he didn't even bother to spare me a glance.

The awkwardness in the room was evident. At least in my point of view.


Half an hour.

I had to be in that position for half an hour before realizing the room was by that time, freshly polished.

Thankful that I was finished with work and could finally go for my break, I headed towards the exit.


Just as I was about to get out of the room, Alister's deep voice stopped me.

"Yes Sir?" I turned and glanced his way, trying to keep the fear and anger out of my tone.

"I just wanted to tell you that your services will not be necessary anymore. You can go back to being a kitchen maid or whatever you were before."


If I didn't know any better, I would have sworn my heart had just been stabbed in that very second.
Before I wouldn't have been surprised, I would maybe even be relieved. But after everything?

"Are you serious?" The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Alister had his face turned away from mine, but even then I could tell his whole body tensed as he realized I had just talked back to him.

"Do not talk back to me, I am still your lord."

His tone held obvious warning and any day I would have immediately submitted to his ruthless and authoritative voice but today, all reasoning seemed to have flown out of the window.

"I have done nothing wrong! E- Even with all your outbursts, I had still behaved as was expected and now you're firing me?" My voice rose and I, myself was shocked that I had just talked to the Don that way, but my anger didn't let me stop.

Alister finally turned his back away from me and I could clearly see the rage in his eyes.

"You do not get to question me!" Alister's menacing tone was enough to send shovers down my spine and yet, I didn't stop there.

"I do get to question you! W-why do you do this. H-how am I supposed to understand! What do you want from me? H-how can you hold me and promise me everything will be okay a-and then do this! What have I ever done to you!" I was practically yelling by the time I finished my monologue.

"You don't know anything." Alister's voice rose and he took a step closer to me.

"Why do you do that? Why do you make me feel like I am more than just a maid to you a-and then- " I shouted with tears slowly forming in my eyes.

"I said you don't know anything!"

"What d-"

And then,

My voice was cut off by his lips on mine.


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