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Charlie's POV

I couldn't get over the fact that my dad would bring this up. He wanted me to forget.

He wanted me to never bring it up and I hadn't; not for his benefit but for mine. I couldn't bring it up. It'd break me.

So why bring it to court. A low blow? What, he thought he'd make me weak emotionally to beat me. That was the worst day of my life, and he's laid it all out on the table.

That was his weapon. I had to keep up with this. It just doesn't make sense. Why lay all his cards on the table before the trials even began? Surely he had some sort of guard up. Or did he really think I was that stupid?


My hand knocked against the door opposite to mine. Today was my day off from trial and I needed it to be good. I knew one place for that. Jake's.

The door swung open revealing a younger, cuter version of Jake.

"Charliebear!!!" Squealed a high pitched voice.

I knelt down and waited as he came bounding towards me at full speed. My arms circled around him as I lifted him.

"Damon, how's my little buddy doing." I said as it poked his cheek, leaving him in fits of laughter.

I walked through the door, closing it on the way in as I made my way to the living room area.

It was just Jake here.

"Where are your parents ?" I questioned him as he turned to face me.

It was no shock to him that I was here. Back in New York I did everything I could to spend time with this family. These people were my home.

It comes to me often, that I had a lit of homes. Maybe that's why I'm so separated from myself, but it's such a good thing to have, more than one safe place.

"They went shopping." He said simply, resting his head on the back of the sofa.

"Why're you angry Jakey?" Damon's voice spoke up. Jake looked to me then down to Damon in my arms.

"I'm not angry mate, just had a hard day that's all, I'll be better when I sleep, okay?" He smiled softly towards Damon.

Damon jumped out of my arms and smothered his older brother in a hug.
Siblings at its finest.

"I'll watch him Jake, go sleep." I said, earning a nod from him as he begun to get up with Damon latched onto him.

"Come on D, we'll watch Wonder woman!?" I suggested, excited.

"Yasss, Wonder Womannnn." He cheered as Jake let him down, running to his room to get his blanket, which was also a Wonder Woman one. He loved her to bits.
I could tell he would be a woman's man when he was older.

"Thank you C, I owe you." He sighed, walking towards his parent's room, even though he could have just gone home to his own across the hall.

"You owe me 3!!" I shouted after him.

I didn't get an answer but I knew he heard me. The pillow that was currently flying towards my face made me certain.

"Jake!! Be nice!" Damon shouted, trying to shove his older brother and obviously Jake flailing around like he actually managed to. I chuckled at the two of them.

"Come sit here buddy, I'll be with you in a minute okay? I need to make a call, do you want anything little man?" I questioned as I pinched his cheeks.

"Ice cream please bear." He said softly.

I tapped his head, " Good man, always remember those manners bud, they'll get you far." I said, as I made my way out the room, but not without starting the film.

I opened the freezer door and picked out the triple chocolate ice cream that sat untouched. I got a bowl out for him, and then made my call.

"Mr Henderson?" I questioned, it was his number but anyone in that house could have answered.

"Charlie, how are you?" His voice filtered through the speaker.

"Good, good. I was wondering if you had any idea what to expect tomorrow, I know it's gonna get worse but there's got to be something we can do right? Like anything, I don't want to be caught out with anythi-." Mr Henderson cut me off.

"Charlie, calm down. I have everything planned out okay? Just rest today." He said sternly.

"Okay, bye."I puffed out.

The call ended, and I was back to the ice cream. I scooped up two spoonfuls, put it back in the freezer and then made my way back to Damon.

He had gotten comfy in the middle of the sofa, snuggled up in his blanket, the tv having his undivided attention. Cute.

"Damon." His head turned my way, and a smile lit up his face. I handed over the bowl as I also got comfy next to him. My arm circled his shoulders as my head leant on his.

"Thank you Bear." He said, quietly, trying not do remove his eyes from the screen.
I kissed his cheek and also let the tv hinder any chances of me getting up for the next two hours.

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