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Camilla's POV

My hands wrapped around the rustled paper in my grasp.

How could she have said all that, in a letter? And then proceeded to say we couldn't be together, and then gone off to fuck knows where and had sex with every girl she walked past. Why? What had changed with her? She become a fuckgirl did she?
Unbelievable. I actually couldn't wrap my head around it. Was it a sense of manipulation? What was it for fuck sake?

To Charlie Monaco:

Charlie. Fuck your shitty little 'let me live'. I can't believe you've turned us into a life or death situation. Is that really the way you view us? Whether one of us is going to die for the other?

Maybe you're right about letting us go because if that's the way you see us, then maybe there shouldn't be an us. Maybe there should have never been an us.

From Camilla Henderson


Charlie's POV

It was the beginning to the end. The beginning of the trial. And the end of me and my father's relationship.

There's no way we could hold it together after what he's done, I was ready to start trying to help him and our relationship and visit more often, but there's just nothing else left for me to do.

He wants to deny all that he has done then fucking bring it, I'm done with feeling sorry for him and leaving him in prison but now, it begins.

I'm ready for everything he has to throw at me, and I know damn well that it might cause even more problems for what back home , but I had found a new home , a fresh start and now I was being plunged back into my old world , right in the deep end.

All the emotions I had managed to let go , everything I've worked for in the past two years... what a waste of time.

I get why he doesn't want to be in prison anymore, I really do. But to deny everything he's done, after begging me whilst I was sat next to him to forgive him defeats the whole purpose of me getting over what he did.

I told him I'd never get over what he did, and that was true because I don't think I ever will, but I was willing to try.

Feeling sorry for him wasn't an option anymore and there was no way I was going to let him wriggle his way back into being my dad anymore.

I wonder whether Meghan agreed with him and his petty decision to try and plead not-guilty.

I mean, we started off bad but she had grown on me and we had become close over these couple of years, and nothing ever came about that he was going to try and get out of what he did. We had spoken about him, and how he managed to be there for her and her mother as well as me and mine.

We had late night conversations on the phone, argued over who was going to see the other and even hated each other's dates at some point. Just like sisters do.
She was the first person I was going to speak to about this.

And I couldn't wait to see her again and see how she felt about this.


"Miss Monaco, we've arrived." A voice came through the other side of the door.

I was sat with Jake in our private cabin, planning out all the things we are going to do. He was my right hand man after all and I trusted him with my life. He had moved in with me when I hired him because he was low on money and couldn't afford his own place, and now he's here with me, living his best life.

I know it sound cliche but I needed someone I could rely on besides Sophia, and he proved to be just that. He was my other best friend.

Jake, Sophia and me were like the famous trio, we liked to have fun but when things need to be serious, it was deadly.

"J, we're going to Meghan's work, I need a word." I stated, giving him a little smile at the end. He nodded and moved to open the door, carrying his belongings even though we had people to that.

We were ushered of the plane and into a black Bentley, with bulletproof ... everything and blacked out windows.

I loved the cars that some of my men and women owned, they always that the best taste in cars. Dark and mysterious but incredibly sexy. I chuckled at the thought and J turned to me looking at me weird.

"Sorry J, not the time for laughing ?" I questioned, my mood dropping realising that we were getting closer and closer to the area I once loved.

"C, you know we're behind you all the way , I'll kill anyone who crosses you... anyone" he said, a storm brewing in those eyes of his.

"I know J, but the mafia still respect my father deep down and you know that." I said, almost disappointed that they didn't even know what the man was like.

"Charlie, they wouldn't cross you for some scumbag that can't even own up to what he's done!" His voice growing louder.

I puffed and looked out the window. I knew I had to drop the conversation else Jake would start getting irritated at me.

The streets were busy and I couldn't help but think what those people were going through.

Were they happy, going around the shops, buying things just to put a smile on their kid's faces or were they stress shopping.

Was there something they were looking forward to, someone they truly loved waiting for the moment they hear the key in the lock and walk through the door. Were they really happy?

Oh and I got the email. From Camilla, but what could I possibly reply to that? I'd never took the time from being self centred and realised that the camera's do actually always follow me. Fuck.



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