CH 47- A Hospital or A Morgue

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Wyatt POV-

I don't know how long it's been since they guys left, but I can't stop pacing. The twins don't really know what's going on, but they know it's bad so they won't stop crying. Candace is in the kitchen cooking dinner to 'take her mind of things' or so she says. And Mouse is just sitting on the couch staring, worriedly at me. 

I should be out there right now, helping my sister. But no, I had to go and get hurt in some stupid football game. What if something happens and I couldn't be there to stop it? 

"Mouse. If you keep looking at me like I'm some helpless piece of glass, I'm going to break your arm." I growl out. 

He says nothing, but stands to go join Candace in the kitchen. I limp a few more laps around the living room until I hear the engine of a car pull up. Running, well more like hobbling, over to the front door, I throw it open to see a distraught looking Tank getting out of a Taxi. I wait for a second to see if anyone else gets out, but no one does and the car drives off. 

What's going on?

"Tank? Where's my sister? And Nate and Jingles?" I ask him. 

His head snaps up at the sound of my voice and I see the blood smeared on his shirt along with his tear stained face. He says nothing, only walks by me into the house, calling for Mouse. I watch the two men talk and go to stand by Candace. She must see what I do because she grips my arm tightly. 

"JOHNNY!" I snap out impatiently. Both heads turn to me. 

"Where the hell is my sister?" I ask again. 

"Wyatt. I'm sorry, man. We didn't get there in time. She was barely responsive when Nate and Keith took her to the hospital. I was with the police, so I don't know her current status." He says sadly. 

No, no, no. This can't be happening. Not again. 

"You're joking. Please, please tell me this is some sick prank." I plead out. 

Candace is sobbing in Hayes' arms and Johnny takes a few steps to engulf me in a hug. I cry loudly into his shoulder as he just holds me. I feel 2 years old again, but I don't care. After a few minutes, I pull back and look into his face. 

"Take me to her." I say sternly. 


The ride to the hospital felt like days, when it was only a matter of minutes. Soon, I'm jumping out of the car before it's fully in park. I run into the lobby and my eyes scan the sea of patrons. I'm about to ask a nurse when I see Nate and Keith in two hospital chairs. I run over and they stand when they see me. 

When I look at Nate, all the air is taken from my lungs. His shirt is covered in blood, along with his hands. All of it's dried and I just know that it's all from my sister. 

Oh god. 

I must look like I'm going to pass out because Nate rushes over and pulls me into a hug. My sobbing begins again and I can feel his silent shakes, alerting me of his tears as well. Keith rushes past me, probably to Candace, but nothing else really seems to matter. Soon, I hear Nate's broken voice. 

"I'm sorry, man. I'm so fucking sorry I couldn't protect her." He says. We both pull back and I see his bloodshot eyes and tired looking face. 

"Is she..." I start, but can't say the word. He just shakes his head. 

"No. She's in surgery. She stopped breathing in the car, on the way here, but they got her back again. I haven't heard anything in about an hour." He says solemnly. I just nod my head and we walk over to the chairs. 

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