CH 37- Making a Decision

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Adelaine POV-

It's been a week since the football game and my fight with Nathan. I don't think I've stopped crying since it happened. I can tell everyone is worried about me, but they seem to be giving me my space. The only time I've really come out of my room was for a few hours on Christmas, but other than that I've just been sulking. As far as I know, Candace won't even talk to Nate and the guys have only said a few words to him. 

The Monday after it happened, Mouse and Tank had to stop Wyatt from trying to kill Nate. Apparently, they were at practice, and he came up to them to ask how I was. Well, Wyatt basically told him to screw off and proceeded to punch him, repeatedly. I don't know why, but the guys said Nate just stood there and took it. Said he didn't even fight back and the only reason Wyatt stopped was because Tank and Mouse pulled him off. It should have been an automatic suspension, but apparently Nate covered for Wyatt and he got off with only having to run a few extra sprints. 

Maybe he really is sorry. 

Shaking my head at my own thoughts, I look back down to my phone that had just pinged. 

Nate: "I'm sorry, Angel. Please let me talk to you. I love you." 

I've gotten variations of that same message every morning and every night from him for 6 days. I know he tried to come by yesterday night, but I heard Candace tell him to go away. There was a lot of yelling on her part and Nate still tried to get through. It took Keith coming over to make him go away. Sitting on the bed, I scroll through every un-replied to message he's sent. 

12/22 @ 11:00 a.m.: "Angel, I'm so sorry. I know you need your space so I'll leave you alone for a bit. Please just know that I love you and I regret everything that happened."

12/24 @ 2:00 a.m.: "I'm awake and can't stop thinking about you. I don't like that you aren't under my roof. I'm sorry for everything, please come home. I love you."

12/25 @ 10:37 p.m.: "Sweet dreams Angel. I'm sorry I hurt you so bad. I promise you, I'll make it right. I love you."

Everyday, at least twice he's sent me a message. Some are like those and other just say 'Good morning (or night). I'm sorry. I love you.' I haven't replied, but I read every single one. Each time he sends it, my tears come flowing out again because I'm so conflicted. 

I honestly don't know how I feel about everything. I do understand why he was so frustrated, and Katie is perfectly fine, but what he said hurt me. I miss him a ton and I don't like not seeing him everyday, I just don't know if I'm ready to forgive him. I'm broken from my thoughts by a knock at the door. After my soft command, I see Candace come in to the guest room I'm staying. 

Her and her family have been really nice. Her parents didn't even blink when she said we would be staying with them. She even started sharing a room with Hayes, so the kids could have hers and I could have my space. I've tried to reiterate that we can go to a hotel, but she won't hear of it. I do feel bad about taking over her house, but she insists it's fine. 

"Hey Laine. How you doing today?" She asks softly, coming over to sit with me on the bed. 

"I'm better." I reply. She looks me over and can probably tell that I'm lying, but doesn't mention anything.

Hey, at least I showered and got dressed today. 

"Candace, can I ask you something?" I ask her.

"Sure darlin. I'm always here to talk." She replies without hesitation. After a beat, I ask about the one thing I've been avoiding. 

"Do you think I should hear Nate out?" I ask. I watch as her face turns into one of surprise, at my question. 

"Honestly?" She asks a bit hesitantly. I nod my head and motion for her to continue. She looks at me for a second, probably trying to decide what to say, then she finally answers. 

"I do." My eyes open in shock. She lets out a small chuckle and continues talking.

"I know right. I surprised myself with that answer too. Look Laine, I'm the first one to say that he acted like a complete asshole and you should not make it easy on him. But I've also seen how broken he is without you. That man looks like his entire world just gave out from under him and he doesn't know if he will be able to get back on his feet. When he came over last night, he heard you crying. That's why he was so persistent to get in. When Keith told him that it was because he was here, the look on his face, I can't even describe it. All I saw was sorrow, guilt, and hatred towards himself." She says. 

"And, I hate to admit it, but throughout all of this, he hasn't put up a fight. Most people when they make a mistake they try to blame it on someone else or don't like to own up, but he hasn't done that. Granted, he was completely in the wrong, so he should be expected to own up to it anyways, but I digress. 

Look, I'm not saying run out the door and into his arms right now. He still needs to reap the consequences of his actions and he definitely needs to work to earn your gorgeous ass back. But, I do think you should give him the chance to do that. I really think that he'll show you you can trust him and honestly, I don't think he's going to stop hassling you until he's given that chance." She adds. I nod my head and take in all she said. After a few minutes of me thinking and her staring at me, I make my decision. 

"I think you're right. I mean, I know he immediately regretted everything and he's already tried to show me he's a good man. It's going to take some time and effort on both our parts, but I do think we can get back to where we were." I explain, more to myself then her. Standing up, I look confidently into her eyes. 

"I'm going to give him his chance." I say before walking out and towards the front door. 

I pass my siblings, Hayes, and Keith on my way. All of them grinning like idiots, after probably just listening to the conversation. I know it's been rough for them to see me so broken down, I'm guessing they are also just happy that I'm actually leaving my room. I put on my coat and boots and pull open the front door. Not looking where I'm going, I walk out and right into a wall. 

A wall? Wait! I know this wall. 

"Nate?" I ask, looking up into my favorite blue eyes. 

"Umm, hi Angel."

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