CH 19- Her New Home

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Nathan POV-

As I sit on a chair in the back of the movie room, I can hear soft laughter coming from everyone in the room. I'm guessing something happened on the movie, but I wouldn't know since I haven't taken my eyes off Lainey the whole time. 

She's sitting between Candace, who is on Walker's lap, and Katie in the three seater row. She just looks so laid back and beautiful. Before the movie started, she must have changed into something more comfortable because she is now in fuzzy Christmas pants and a black crop top with her hair in some sort of top knot on her head. Damn, if that doesn't make me hard just looking at her. 

She hit it off my with my friends immediately, and I couldn't be happier. Since my parents are gone so often, the four crazies are the closest thing I've got to a real family. When they welcomed not only Lainey but her siblings too, into our little fold, I was ecstatic. I know she was nervous at first, but she's already seemed to bond with them even in the short amount of time, especially with Candace. 

That girl is like a firecracker in heels. I still remember Hayes finding out about them and beating the shit out of Walker. It was damn funny and ended with a trip to the emergency room for some stitches and concussion protocol. After that little stint, Mouse seemed to realize that what they had was real and he let it go. I know he still struggles with seeing them together, but those two are more in love than anyone I've ever seen and he knows he can trust Walker. 

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a deep chuckle beside me. 

"Man you're whipped. You haven't taken your eyes of that girl since she sat down." Johnny says quietly to me.

"Shut up. You think I don't already it. Her and those three kids have got me so far wrapped around their fingers I don't even know which way is right or left. Nor do I want to." I say, not taking my eyes of my Angel.

"Damn OC. I knew you liked her but I didn't know it was like that. Hell, you only just met her." He replies.

"I know, Tank. But the second I laid my eyes on her I knew she was the one. I can't tell you how or why, I just did." I reply. 

"Well shit, looks like another one bites the dust." Johnny says, never one to deal with heavy topics. I just let out a chuckle and shake my head.

"Damn right man. I've been biting the dust since she walked into me." 

"I'm happy for ya OC. But you should know, all the guys and I already think of her as our little sister. So you hurt her, and we'll beat your ass; same goes for the little rascals she has around." He says, pointing his head at Katie and Lainey. 

"I figured. Although, I think CeeCee might cut my balls off before any of you can get to me." We both laugh and look down at Candace.

"Ya, I think you're right. Damn that girl is scary when she wants to be. I don't know how Walker puts up with her half the time." Johnny says, giving me a mock frightened look.

"Beats me. All I know is that I'm in a world of hurt because my girl and her seem to be hitting it off pretty well. I can't imagine all the things CeeCee is going to be teaching her to bust my balls." I tell him with a slight chuckle.

"Ya bro, good luck with that one." He says before standing and heading over to Katie. He picks her up and sits her back down in his lap.

It's funny as heck watching that giant of a man play with the tiny blonde girl in a pink tutu. But like I said before, that girl has anyone and everyone wrapped around her finger before they even have a chance to breathe. 


"Bye Candace, Bye Keith. Drive safe." I hear Lainey yell before shutting the front door. 

Hayes and Johnny left a while ago, but Candace and Keith stayed around so the girls could finish gossiping or whatever they were doing. All three kids went to bed before the first two left, they were pretty tired from all that had happened today. And now it's just my Angel and me. 

"Nate?" She calls.

"In here." I say from the kitchen where I am cleaning the popcorn bowls. 

She walks in, takes the bowl from me and begins scrubbing it herself while I move on to drying the pile of dishes I already washed. We wash and dry in silence for a minute before her melodic voice fills my ears.

"I just wanted to say thank you again. You really didn't have to take us in, but I'm so appreciative. If I'm being honest, I was really worried about where we were going to stay tonight and you saved my butt." She says after handing me the last clean dish. 

"No problem Angel. I'm always here to save you, and that sexy butt of yours." I reply with a wink. I watch as she dips her head bashfully and her cheeks heat pink. 

Damn, I love it when she blushes. 

"Well I'm pretty tired. I'll see you in the morning. Oh and before I forget, I don't have to work tomorrow because Hal went all overprotective  boss mode and decided I needed to rest, so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the twins' soccer game with me. I usually just have one of the other moms take them, so it will be nice to finally get to see them play. Plus you guys have tryouts next week and I know Wyatt is freaking out, so I thought maybe you guys could throw the football or something." She says, looking up at me with those chocolate eyes. 

Ya, Angel. That sounds fun. I'm definitely in." I reply a bit hastily. 

"Cool. Well then I'm off. The games at 10:00 so we'll probably be leaving here at like 9:30." She explains. 

"Sounds good. Sleep well gorgeous, and if you need anything I'm just in the next room." I reply, putting a chaste kiss on her forehead like I always did before I would leave her house. 

"Ya, thanks. You too." She says before sauntering upstairs to bed. 

Tank was right. I'm whipped beyond all measure, but damn if I care. She's finally letting me in and if I have it my way, I'll have all those walls knocked down before the month is up. 

With that thought, I turn off the lights, check the locks and head on up to my own room. All the while thinking about how the most gorgeous woman on earth is only separated from me by a bedroom wall. 

Ya, there's no way in hell I'm sleeping tonight. 

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