
So, there's this new book that is LEGENDARY as in you must read it if you like dark romances. Do give the first chapter a try.



@janushiraichura what's an F4F? I know r4r and v4v? 


@marssaturnia I would love to! Can we do an f4f?


So um do you guys prefer back-to-back chapters with smut or like want it in breaks?
          Also, do you think it should be a lot in the books or do you want it to be like lesser smut and more story?


@novelistASH Oh, thanks for the details! It was very helpful!


Heyy, so sorry to bug you but could you please read my book when you're free? It'll mean so much to me. Here's the link, and have a great day/night.  ;)


@Annalisadonkor Hi, I voted on all chapters! I am so sorry this is prolly gonna sound a little bitchy but I swear I don't mean it in any wrong way, it's just that I can't really stand half-finished stories like I go crazy after reading them. I can't sleep at night cause all I can think of is a hundred ways in which they could've ended and I get super stressed out and can't focus at all. I swear I'll read and comment on every line of your book once it ends. I am so sorry.


Hey author and everyone it'll be my pleasure if you can give a chance to my book.If you are seeing for a halal love story it is for you, where different countries people falls for eachother and not only that but even different mindset, one who never believes in love and the other who lives for love, it shows when you truly loves someone you'll rise in their love and falls on them in first sight. https://www.wattpad.com/story/365409558?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.whatsapp&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=1aromaaura


@janushiraichura sure but after my exams


@1aromaaura Hi! I would love to give it a try and would be really glad if you were to try my book 'The Fourth Boy'.


Hi dear, 
          I hope that you are doing well. Firstly I apologise for intruding here without your permission. Ignore it if you want.
          Would you like to enjoy college teen fiction with a touch of realistic and dramatic elements? If you do, you can give a chance to my current ongoing story if your time permits obviously. Don't forget to share your precious votes and feedback. I will truly appreciate it if you share your thoughts on my story. Have a great day :) 


@Koyel_pen Thank you so so so much for understanding! I added it to my private library so I'll know when it ends and I swear I'll finish it them!


@janushiraichura First of all, it doesn't sound bitchy at all. I completely understand you and as a reader, I also prefer completed books. And thank you for considering my request. I hope that you will enjoy the story when it is completed. Thanks again<3