
Hi there! Welcome to Wattpad! (I don't know why I am saying this or how I reached your profile. But don't they all say this?) Your way of saying things - I can't believe I am saying this ... but it's admirable. I can relate myself to the fact where you can't buy books, or what that person in Hawaii told you. Allan Poe is my dark guru out here. As he said, "I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity" ; I think we all do, at least some of us. 
                  Hoping your journey will be good here. 
          - nymeria.


@____She____ I just got started here, but a lot of the profile was written a long time ago. Thank you for the compliment.  All I know about writing is to try to be real. I read all of Poe in grade school and have re read most of his stuff many times. Early on, I tried to emulate him.  The story Queen of Pelican Island I intentionally based on some Poe constructs.